Editorial: Winter sports are back
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Ever notice which season of sports Albert Lea High School does best? Winter seems to be the season for successful sports teams: wrestling, basketball, hockey. They often field high-quality teams. Fanatics of prep sports in Albert Lea can take heart that winter schedules have begun.
The value of sports this fall was a component of the debate that led up to the Nov. 6 school election. Some people even questioned whether sports were necessary for education. We disagree. Sports are a form of health education and also teach life lessons.
Without rehashing the entire election debate, let&8217;s leave it at this: We encourage you to get out of the house and go see the kids play. Pick a team and follow them through the season. See the growth in the skills of the student-athletes and how they mesh as a team.
You can find times on the Sports page in the Score Board.