Editorial: You call this stuff news?
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 31, 2007
Can anyone explain what Rosie O&8217;Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck of &8220;The View&8221; on ABC are fighting over anymore?
Anymore, all we read and hear is that they are fighting and whose side Donald Trump is on and whether Rosie will stay on the show. Nobody explains what it is they are fighting over.
For instance, in the current issue of Newsweek, it tells about the shouting match Rosie and Elisabeth had but it doesn&8217;t explain over what. It assumes that all of America knows. CNN and Fox News have been doing the same thing.
ESPN and the networks do that all the time with sports news. Football player Terrell Owens will do something outrageous and if you missed that particular weekday of sports news, all you know on Sunday afternoon is that everyone is talking about what a bad boy he is, neglecting to recount the incident that sparked it all.
After plying folks around the office, someone gave an explanation about Rosie and Elisabeth. A disagreement on the war in Iraq sparked the nastiness. Apparently, they couldn&8217;t keep the discussion civil.
Further, most people we asked wondered why CNN and the national media thought this was news anyway. We agree. Why is this news? Cover something else.
As for Rosie and Elisabeth, you work on a show called &8220;The View.&8221; Hello? It&8217;s about viewpoints. Calm down and learn to disagree.