Obama selectively enforces the law
Published 8:25 am Thursday, September 1, 2011
Whose side is President Obama on anyway? Last week he announced that the Department of Homeland Security would begin reviewing all deportation cases on a case-by-case basis and only deport illegal aliens who’ve been convicted of a crime (other than breaking into the U.S.)
And so, for starters, this would work out to about 300,000 illegal aliens currently in deportation proceedings being allowed to stay in the U.S. and getting work permits and competing with Americans for jobs — especially Americans with less than a high school education — who are bona fide Americans by the way, just like those with a high school education and beyond. This, while we have 22 million Americans who want a full-time job, but can’t find one. Does this make sense?
In other words, he would be selectively enforcing the law. When he took the oath of office did he vow to uphold our laws only selectively?
And he would be providing these illegals with amnesty. How, in this country, did this idea of amnesty become acceptable — and not “just” amnesty, but tacking on a huge reward like all the benefits and entitlements you can imagine that come with being amnestied in, plus eventual citizenship? Such a deal.
What’s going on? Whose side is the president on anyway?
Robert Petersen
Albert Lea