Ron Gabrielsen’s resignation letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 8, 2006

The following contains the text of Ron Gabrielsen&8217;s letter of resignation to the County Board:

Mr. Chair, county commissioners, employees and residents of Freeborn County:

I arrived in Freeborn County on Aug. 27, 2001; during the five years I have had the opportunity to serve as your county administrator, we traveled an exciting path. We achieved several significant accomplishments which have advanced the well-being of all Freeborn County residents and am confident will ensure their financial prosperity.

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We created a state-of-the-art government center and made considerable improvements to our county highway shop. These two facility enhancements will no doubt serve the citizens of Freeborn County well for countless generations to come.

We took bold measures to contain our annual operating costs while still maintaining the highest levels of efficient, effective and responsive public service.

We reduced staffing levels in several areas where doing so made the most sense, both strategically and economically.

We incorporated new technologies wherever and whenever possible and sought to capitalize on efficiencies that would improve our long-range business practices.

We forged collaborative relationships with both the public and private sectors to create a favorable business climate and we embraced tax-reduction initiatives when the public&8217;s interest was best served. As a result, Freeborn County now leads the state of Minnesota in the total number of JOBZ business creations.

Most importantly, we are experiencing an unprecedented boom in countywide new home construction which solidly affirms that many people, both within and outside our county, think Freeborn County is a great place to live, work and play.

I am proud of all the accomplishments we achieved and thoroughly enjoyed serving the residents of Freeborn County in my administrative capacity. However with the new year approaching, I have set new goals and have made the decision to seek new opportunities elsewhere.

To minimize the possibility of any disruptions with county services and to ensure the county board has ample time to plan a smooth transition, I am giving notice of my impending departure. I am announcing today that I plan to resign from my position as the Freeborn County Administrator effective March 1, 2007.

I respectfully request the county board accept my resignation effective March 1, 2007.


Ronald R. Gabrielsen