Lake Mills fire started during a mad rage’

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 23, 2006

By Joseph Marks, staff writer

LAKE MILLS, Iowa &045;&160;A criminal complaint issued in Winnebago County Court details damage caused to the home of Diane Brackey in Lake Mills, Iowa, which led to a fire that reportedly destroyed the home.

The complaint states Benjamin Segura &8220;admitted to destroying the house&8221; after being read his Miranda rights around 6 p.m. in the Lake Mills Police Department. Segura was charged Friday with

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felony criminal mischief in the first degree.

Assistant County Attorney Phil Garland, who handles most prosecutions in the county, said he will likely substitute a charge of arson when hearings begin in the case.

The complaint states Segura was &8220;completely destroying the interior of the house in a mad rage,&8221; Thursday at 5:12 p.m.

&8220;In so doing,&8221; the complaint continues, &8220;the defendant caused the house to become engulfed in flames which ultimately led to a fire which destroyed the home completely.&8221;

A separate charge was filed against Segura for allegedly causing $800 or more of damage when he kicked a table into a wall, destroying the drywall, while being interviewed by police in the arson investigation.

The second charge was for criminal mischief in the third degree, an aggravated misdemeanor.

The fire at the home of Diane Brackey at 201 N. First Ave. in Lake Mills was first reported at 5:12 p.m. and took about 45 minutes to get under control.

Brackey, who owns the Grand Cafe in Lake Mills, was at the restaurant with two of her grandchildren at the time of the fire. Police were initially concerned a third grandchild might be inside the house, but she was found half-an-hour later.

Lake Mills and Forest City volunteer firefighters responded to the scene, along with Lake Mills police and ambulance, the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office and the Iowa State Patrol.

Brackey’s daughter, the mother of her grandchildren, lives at the home but was not available at the time of the fire.

(Contact Joseph Marks at or at 379-3435.)