Counties look to reorganize Worth-Winnebago economic development agency
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 19, 2002
Winnebago and Worth counties, contrary to the plans
Winnebago voiced in August, agreed that they will split evenly the annual costs of Win-Worth Betco, the bi-county economic development agency.
The counties met on Sept. 10 for discussion of this issue. The decision came as a surprise after Winnebago had said in August that it wanted to set up an agency of its own. The proposal went on to the county to be voted on.
Winnebago passed the agreement unanimously, but Worth county has said they would like more time to go over the plan and hammer a few things out.
The annual Win-Worth Betco budget has been $100,000. But a new budget has yet to be set for the bi-county agreement.
This proposal would give term limits for seats on the board of directors for the agency. It will also give Betco more input groups. Subcommittees have been set up for housing and tourism. There are plans for more subcommittees, but their focuses have yet to be determined.
Another rule that was made will mandate bi-county approval for the closing of Win-Worth Betco.
With the recent resignation of Beth Bilyeu-Hesse as director of the organization, the counties are as of now concerned about finding a new head for the soon-to-be-reorganized agency.