Column: Efforts aim to keep school programs

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 9, 2002

David Prescott

The failed levy referendum has led our school district to a $1.

Saturday, February 09, 2002

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The failed levy referendum has led our school district to a $1.1 million budget reduction process. The budget reductions were presented and approved at the Dec. 17 school board meeting. The good news is that since that meeting, parents and community members have been working on ways to raise funds that may allow some of the reduced or eliminated programs to be reinstated at least for the 2002-03 school year. The Albert Lea Public Schools Foundation and several student activity booster organizations are developing fund-raising strategies that may keep some programs funded for one more year. These efforts are truly appreciated as we try to maintain the excellent programs that students and community have come to expect.

We are also appreciative of the recent action taken by District 241 teachers that will release the 2 percent designated staff development revenue to the general fund for the 2002-03 school year. These funds can now be used to reduce the impact of the budget cuts for the 2002-03 school year. It is hoped in the future these staff development funds will again be used for their original intent, providing training for the improvement of instructional skills.

We know that the current education funding challenges will require all of us to make difficult choices with the best interests of our students in mind. Our teachers, parents and community can be assured these staff development dollars will used judiciously. Right now it is difficult to predict the most critical allocation of these funds- to reduce our current reductions or in light of recent legislative debate in St. Paul, to stave off further cuts. You can be certain that when these funds are spent, they will be used to save vital programs and positions that are most beneficial to our students.

The students of District 241 will be well served as we continue to work through our budget challenges. We have many wonderful dedicated teachers and support staff who work very hard every day to meet the educational needs of our learners. Our entire staff greatly appreciates the support and understanding of community members. We will find the most feasible solutions to maintain our high-quality programs.