Water tower will go up near Home Depot
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 27, 2001
A new water tower, planned for construction next spring, will grace the city’s east side just south of the new Home Depot.
Tuesday, November 27, 2001
A new water tower, planned for construction next spring, will grace the city’s east side just south of the new Home Depot.
The city council decided to abandon plans to build the tower north of Hammer Road near County Road 45 in favor of a site just south of the home improvement retailer. Twin Cities developer John Chadwick is offering the site for $56,000.
&uot;This is a better option,&uot; said City Manager Paul Sparks. &uot;I think it’s better that it’s in a commercial area rather that a residential area.&uot;
The single pedestal tower, visible to passing motorists on Interstate 35, will add 500,000 gallons of capacity to the city water system, Sparks told the council at its meeting Monday.
With the new site, the city can avoid a lengthy condemnation proceeding to force the landowners of the old site to sell their property.
&uot;We didn’t have universal acceptance among the landowners. It appeared we were headed to court,&uot; Sparks said. &uot;Obviously, a willing seller is preferable because we can move ahead this spring.&uot;
Though the new tower will cost more to build at the Home Depot site, the city will save money in waterline construction because a 12-inch main is already located within 500 feet.
Sparks described the design of the new tower as &uot;modern with a nice appearance.&uot; The city’s logo will probably adorn the structure, he said.
In other council news:
n The council approved an ambitious public works construction program for 2002, featuring the new water tower, reconstruction of James Avenue and downtown street resurfacing. The city will also be involved with a Minnesota Department of Transportation project to replace the West Main viaduct bridge. The project will take the entire season, from February to October.
n The council approved a fee structure for the coming year with only a few changes, including a $15 hike in water-meter deposits and small increases for appliance disposal and public ice-skating sessions at the city arena.
n The council passed a mutual-aid resolution authorizing the city’s emergency personnel to respond to situations outside the city limits. Sparks said the measure allows firefighters to help neighboring communities in the same fashion the city was assisted during the Farmland fire in July.