‘How to Stop Your Anxiety Now!’

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 13, 2001

In his 21 years of counseling and professional coaching in Albert Lea, David Larson has seen clients struggle with many of the same things.

Saturday, October 13, 2001

In his 21 years of counseling and professional coaching in Albert Lea, David Larson has seen clients struggle with many of the same things. Consequently, he’s found himself explaining things over and over again.

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He thought there must be a way to reinforce what he says without clients having to schedule additional sessions which end up costing them more money.

So Larson has written a book.

It’s called &uot;Stop Your Anxiety Now!&uot; and it’s available by e-mail as an electronic book.

He said anxiety is among the most common problems he helps treat, and one in six people will seek out help for it.

&uot;Most of us have it at one time or another, but we keep busy and try to cope with it,&uot; Larson said. But for others, anxiety is not so easy to overcome.

&uot;Whatever the struggle, this information is not just for people who can’t function with their anxiety. This information is supportive to everyone,&uot; he said.

In his book, Larson shares:

*&160;The three most common reasons people fail to overcome their anxiety, and what to do instead.

*&160;Six techniques for ending the energy-draining pattern of worry.

*&160;The one thing to do immediately when you feel a panic attack coming on, and 10 skills to end panic permanently. He shares the importance of breathing from the belly -&160;like a baby, in fact -&160;which can re-balance the gasses in our systems.

*&160;How to halt disturbing body reactions like heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, the urge to &uot;run,&uot; the sweats, or stress-induced headaches and body pains.

*&160;Ways to say &uot;no&uot; without feeling guilty.

*&160;How to prepare for a date or an important meeting so you show up poised, relaxed and in charge.

*&160;Five things to start doing today to have confidence in performance at work tomorrow.

*&160;How to create inner peace in 60 seconds or less.

*&160;Four steps to end obsessive thinking immediately.

*&160;Ten things to do now to take the terror out of your next plane ride.

*&160;The latest information about what medications really work without hurting your body.

*&160;How to use anxiety to your benefit, and much more.

Larson said many of the books on anxiety out there are dry, technical and theoretical. His is practical, he said, offering suggestions to help people change in a workbook flavor.

&uot;The hardest thing for people is not knowing what to do differently,&uot; he said.

Other books are pre-programmed. &uot;They assume everybody reading them is the same,&uot; Larson added.

The author said his book allows people to create their own program on how to make changes in their lives. &uot;It’s versatile and it’s flexible,&uot; he said. &uot;It incorporates strategies that are helpful that I wasn’t seeing in the books, and some I’ve developed myself.&uot;

Larson said he opted for a e-book format to get the information out quickly. &uot;It’s available to people all around the world, and they can get the book in 10 minutes.&uot;

People can then either read it on their screens or print it out. It’s 140 pages, the author said.

The book was released in July, and since then, people in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, India and the United States have been helped by it.

&uot;It I had written the book in a normal way (published in paper book form) these people still wouldn’t have access to it,&uot; Larson said.

He said the book as been received favorably. Here is what two readers had to say:

&uot;Love the book! It is so easy to read! I just had to tell you this story. I bought the book the day before I was scheduled for a dentist appointment. I followed the example in your book about the how the fellow coped with going to the dentist. Usually I take my Xanex to go to the dentist. I imagined my daughter was building a sand castle -&160;scrapes, cups, spraying. … It was so fun. I was totally relaxed. I not only did not need my Xanex, my dentist didn’t even have to give me novocane!&uot;

&uot;… Just to let you know I read the first 56 pages last night and I can’t wait to carry on, but I feel better already because I now know what caused it. … I am already so grateful to you and its a fantastic book. Thank you once again, the book is worth every penny and I know I have a way to go yet but I do feel loads better and much more confident.&uot;

To order the book, go to Larson’s website, http://www.callthecoach.com and click on the &uot;How to Stop Your Anxiety Now&uot; button. Cost is $29.95 and the company that will confidentially process the orders is called &uot;ibill.&uot;

In honor of his 21st anniversary, Larson is offering the book for $21 now through Oct. 31. To take advantage of the special, call the Institute For Wellness office directly at 373-7913 to place the order.