Referendum meeting needs attendance
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 10, 2001
The Albert Lea school district is doing its part to make as much information as possible available to voters about the upcoming excess levy referendum.
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
The Albert Lea school district is doing its part to make as much information as possible available to voters about the upcoming excess levy referendum. Officials have toured the service club circuit, and given presentations to a variety of groups on the topic. They have written newspaper columns and broadcast a radio forum. They have held one public meeting on the subject and another is planned Thursday.
The public, however, must meet them halfway. Short of knocking on every door in town, the school is doing everything it can, yet there are still plenty of misconceptions and questions about the referendum. It is the duty of all members of a democracy to make an informed vote, and that means getting any questions or concerns answered before stepping into the voting booth.
Thursday’s public meeting is the perfect opportunity. It starts at 6:15 p.m. at Brookside Education Center, the former Brookside Middle School. Officials will be on hand to explain the estimated tax impact of the proposal, as well as address any other concerns the public may bring.
Visitors can at the same time get a look at what the new Brookside is being used for during an open house. The closing of the middle school was a point of contention for some, but the district says it has used the space effectively for other purposes. Now is everyone’s chance to find out for themselves.
The levy referendum is Nov. 6, less than a month away. It’s time for everyone to get serious about the facts of this proposal. Thursday’s meeting is a great opportunity to get started.