Pilot program addresses cameras

Published 8:33 am Thursday, February 2, 2012


Your editorial in support of more camera access to court proceedings raised an issue that the Minnesota Supreme Court addressed last year when it reviewed the rules on cameras in district courts. (Cameras have been allowed in Supreme Court and Court of Appeals oral arguments for many years.)

To be clear, the Judicial Branch has for more than 20 years allowed cameras in district court proceedings, with certain exceptions, if all parties agree. Because parties have rarely agreed, the Supreme Court, which oversees the rules under which courts operate, has created a pilot program designed to increase camera access to certain types of cases.

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Under a pilot program that began July 1, 2011, cameras are now allowed in certain civil cases with judge approval, but without the need for consent by the parties. The rules of the pilot program can be found on the Judicial Branch website (www.mncourts.gov).


John Kostouros


Minnesota Court

Information Office

St. Paul