Wa Tan Ye Service Club

Published 9:30 am Saturday, February 25, 2012


The Wa Tan Ye Service Club met on Feb. 6. There were nine members present. The meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge. JoAnn Holstad read the minutes which were approved and placed on file. Alice Petersen gave the treasurer’s report, which was approved and placed on file.

The group is going to sell dish cloths at the Home Based Business Show at North Bridge Mall on March 9-11. It chose to sell on March 10. That week is also Wa Tan Ye week.

Email newsletter signup

The group filled out a questionnaire about what it wanted for the future of the club. It will discuss this at the next meeting.

The group gave $28 for the food shelf. This will go to the Salvation Army for this month. The meeting was adjourned.

Wedge was the hostess for the meeting. She read an article, “Children learn what they live.”

Its next meeting will be on March 5.