United Methodist Women
Published 9:52 am Friday, March 2, 2012
The United Methodist Women met Feb. 1, with a musical section by Merle Stensrud.
The program was presented by members of Just 3 circle, Eileen Larson, Veda Harris, Bemice Tolbers, Adean Turner, Marty Beckmann and Joyce Halverson. The secretary’s report was given by JoAnn Seuser, with Marty Beckmann, substituting for Ruth Vermedahl giving the treasurer’s report. Also, reporting: Adean Turner for Spiritual Growth, Judy Kary for Education and Interpretation, Sharon Nelson for Social Action, Marcelle Emtson for Membership and Outreach, Lea Nolting for Church Women United, Judy Hargrave for Reading Program and Emma Norton.
A discussion was held by the group concerning the future of the local Church Women United.
Members were reminded of the need for food and for money donations for the local food shelf. Also, for paper products and cleaning supplies for the Emma Norton Home. The Church Women United, “World Day of Prayer” program would held at the United Methodist Church. Coffee was served earlier today at 9:15 a.m. followed by the program at 10 a.m.
The “Sew Happy Quilter” Truck Show will be held on April 28, with brunch at 9:30 a.m., followed by the program at 10:30.a.m. Tickets are available from United Methodist Women members or at the church office.
Preceding the meeting, brunch was served by Mary-Grace Circle.