Editorial: Thumbs

Published 11:48 am Saturday, March 3, 2012

UP – To precipitation.

The Albert Lea area does not really need wintry weather, now that March is here, so it is a good thing the big snowstorm this past week went north, but the rain/sleet mix was good. That’s because the Albert Lea area sure needs water to give the crops a good start this coming spring. Much of southern Minnesota — pretty much all of it west of Rochester — is classified by the U.S. Drought Monitor as being in a severe drought. Almost all of the rest of Minnesota is in a moderate drought. We need March showers — and not too much all at once — to give farm fields the proper subsoil moisture.

UP – To the Iowa Senate.

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We were glad to hear on Thursday that the Iowa Senate passed a bill nicknamed Kadyn’s Law. If it gets the governor’s signature, it would strengthen Iowa laws when it comes to school stop-arm violations. The state has weak laws for stop-arm violations. The measure calls for a fine of at least $250 but not more than $675. A person can be sent to jail for up to 30 days for a first offense. A second offense within five years would be a serious misdemeanor, with fines ranging between $315 and $1,875 and up to a year in jail. A similar bill is pending in the Iowa House of Representatives.

DOWN – To motorists who hit and run.

We see this from time and time, but there has been a coincidental string of them lately. We applaud motorists grown-up enough to admit to an owner who isn’t immediately present that they hit a car. We jeer those who are low-life enough to drive away and not admit what they did. Yes, you’ll be in trouble, but if you do the right thing, you’ll be proud in the end for displaying good behavior.