Published 9:35 am Friday, March 30, 2012
Freeborn County
District Court
Feb. 21
Michael Alan Huffman, 43, 103 10th St. N.E., Austin. Speeding. Fined $220.
Feb. 22
Julie Fawn Schroader, 53, 105 Sweet Grass Lane, Forest City, Iowa. Speeding. Fined $130.
Travis Christensen, 42, 611 Albert Lea St., Albert Lea. 4th degree damage to property. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed zero days. Fined $500.
Jill Christine Anderson, 59, 314 3rd St. N.W., New Richland. Littering. Fined $180.
Pamela Cantu, 23, 2325 Clayton Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Driving without a valid license. Fined $180. Count 2: Speeding. Fined $40. Count 3: No proof of insurance. Fined $200.
Kevin Eugene Steward, 49, 2985 318th St., Turro, Iowa. Passing parked emergency vehicle. Fined $130.
Feb. 23
Roseann Larsen, 30, 1002 Johnson St., Albert Lea. Domestic assault. Sentenced two years Fined $380.
Delfino Ambriz-Ramirez, 64, 509 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea. Speeding. FIned $140.
Feb. 24
Jeffry Joe Bryant, 35, 2402 Esquire, Albert Lea. Driving without a valid license. Fined $180.
Italo Yrbin Gomez, 26, 212 1/2 N. Broadway, Albert Lea. Domestic abuse no contact order. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for one year and one year unsupervised probation. Fined $80.
Irene Manuela Lopez, 27, 614 E. 6th St., Albert Lea. Child passenger restraint system. Fined $130.
The Tribune publishes all convictions that result in $125 or more in fines, jail time or both.