Minn. couple to sue over tainted eggs
Published 9:22 am Thursday, September 2, 2010
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A southern Minnesota couple has notified a pair of Iowa egg companies at the center of a salmonella outbreak and massive egg recall that they intend to sue.
Attorney Ryan Osterholm of Minneapolis-based PritzkerOlsen says the lawsuit will be filed in Beltrami County in the next few days.
It’s apparently the first lawsuit in the state connected to the nationwide recall of more than a half a billion eggs.
Robin Shaffer of Mantorville claims she was sickened with salmonella poisoning after eating at a Bemidji restaurant in May.
Minnesota regulators have linked tainted eggs served there to Hillandale Farms of New Hampton, Iowa. The lawsuit alleges Hillandale’s eggs were contaminated because Wright County Egg sold Hillandale contaminated feed or young hens.
Shaffer’s husband joined the lawsuit due to loss of his wife’s companionship.