St. John’s Auxiliary
Published 9:04 am Friday, June 1, 2012
St. John’s Auxiliary met May 21 at 2 p.m. in St. John’s Chapel. President Carol Rask welcomed everyone. Devotions were given by the Rev. Jeff Laeger-Hagemeister. Becky Nordland on piano led the group in singing the hymns “Have No Fear, Little Flock” and “Have Thine Own Way, Lord.”
Auxiliary Secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the April meeting. In the absence of treasurer, Vice President Caroline Sorenson gave the treasurer’s report. Reports were approved as given.
Volunteer Coordinator Carla Reichel reported 1,033 volunteer hours for April. Day care had 43 hours, four You & Me Clubs and two sing alongs.
Diane Wichmann, activities director, reported on June activities planned for residents: historical style show, Father’s Day barbecue with a western theme and gardening is going well. Blazing Star Trail outings and picnics are being planned, as well as a fishing program on June 20 with Scott Hanna.
Sorenson read the names of residents celebrating May birthdays: Ida Bergh, Violet Caya, Vema Gilbertson, Marjorie Mudra, Milton Olson, Eleanor Pedersen, Milton Roberts and Vemetta Scott.
Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Hayward Lutheran, Round Prairie Lutheran and United Methodist.
The program was provided by First Lutheran Church of Albert Lea. Readings were given by Schneider. Piano selections were by Joan Holt.
Refreshments, including rhubarb cake, were provided by 2nd South and St. John’s Dietary Department.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.