Let’s work together for a better community
Published 3:45 pm Saturday, October 30, 2010
By Ann Austin, Live United
This week at my Toastmasters meeting we were posed with a question about how we have reacted to the political ads on the television. Many members said they don’t watch them because of the negativity.
As we are building a stronger government and a stronger community, it is important to let opinions be known and to listen to what others have to say. But I often wonder what impact this negativity can have for the process itself.
In conversations this year, the words “synergy” and “intent” have come up quite often.
Synergy is defined as: The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. Intent is defined as: Something that is intended; an aim or purpose.
So the question is, when we gather to make decisions, is our intent to work together?
I am assured that this is the case with United Way volunteers. The intent of our board and committee members is to help create a stronger, more sustainable community. This resonates in the questions they ask, the decisions made and the vision carried forward in all that they do. Of course not everyone agrees, but everyone’s opinions are valued and everyone is encouraged to speak up for what they believe is the right course of action. Everyone is part of the process and is valued for the contributions they make.
This synergy can be carried out in all parts of our communities and our lives. When you look at any relationship, whether it is professional, marital, parental, a friendship, volunteer or any involvement that brings people together, it is important to recognize that each person offers a unique perspective. And, by recognizing this, we can come up with a better solution to whatever dilemma we are facing.
We also see this with the programs that United Way supports — one of our agency members compared each program to the spokes on a wheel. If one of the spokes is missing, the wheel is not able to function.
I am always inspired by the passion that people have for their beliefs and how many people are not afraid to speak up, especially during election season. Though some negativity inevitably comes forth, we do not need to focus on it.
What we can choose to focus on, especially after the election, is what we do have in common. We all want to see our children healthy and happy, our families strengthened, our neighborhoods become safer and more welcoming places to live, and our community working together to provide the best quality of life for everyone.
I will close with words from Mahatma Gandhi that inspire me on a daily basis (the words are most meaningful when repeated from one person to another):
“I offer you my peace. I offer you my love. I offer you my friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your pain. My wisdom flows from a higher source. I recognize that source in you. Let us work together.”
Ann Austin is the executive director of the United Way of Freeborn County.