Editorial: Heroes! Calling all heroes!

Published 9:52 am Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Send us your heroes.

We want your words, your pictures, your reasons for why someone you know is a hero.

In fact, we have dedicated our entire Progress Edition to heroes. The theme this year is Everyday Heroes.

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And while the Progress Edition doesn’t come out until late February, the work for the biggest edition of the Albert Lea Tribune is done mostly in December and January.

So we want your words, your pictures and your reasons as early as possible. We will print your words and pictures in this special edition.

The person could be your parent, your child, your doctor, your teacher, your mechanic, your gas station clerk, your veterinarian, whomever.

It can be long. It can be short. It can be however you imagine it to be.

You can send your words and photos by postal mail, e-mail, Facebook or in person.

• By e-mail, send your message to heroes@albertleatribune.com.

• By Facebook, “like” the Albert Lea Tribune, if you haven’t already, then look on our wall for a link for Hometown Heroes. Click here for the Tribune’s Facebook page dedicated to Progress 2011, or click here for more info on submitting your hero.

• By postal mail, send the letter to Hometown Heroes, Albert Lea Tribune, 808 W. Front St., Albert Lea, MN 56007.

• In person, just stop at the Tribune office between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Thank you!