Precinct results in city, county races

Published 10:25 am Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Albert Lea mayoral candidate Keith Porter Sr. studies the results of the primary election Tuesday night with his wife after hearing he and incumbent Mayor Vern Rasmussen received the most votes in the race. --Sarah Stultz/Albert Lea Tribune

Albert Lea mayoral results

Candidates: Vern Rasmussen*, John Severtson, Keith Porter

Ward 1: 278, 75, 77

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Ward 2: 101, 44, 30

Ward 3: 179, 46, 49

Ward 4: 158, 55, 64

Ward 5: 71, 35, 34

Ward 6: 63, 46, 51

Total: 850, 301, 305

Percent: 58.38, 20.67, 20.95


District 3 commissioner results

Candidates: Jim Nelson*, David Shoff, Ron Steckman

Albert Lea Ward 4: 93, 78, 95

Albert Lea Ward 5: 39, 59, 32

Albert Lea Twp.: 40, 6, 38

Total: 172, 143, 165

Percent: 35.83, 29.79, 34.38
