Danish Brotherhood
Published 8:49 am Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Danish Brotherhood Lodge 75 met May 1 at Senior Court. The meeting was called to order by President John R. Petersen.
A $75 memorial was received from the Richard H. Sorensen family. The final disposition will be discussed at a later meeting. Also a memorial was received from Deloris Ross and forwarded to the Danish Immigrant Museum at Elkhom, Iowa, in memory of Richard.
Anne Ipsen will be in Albert Lea about Aug. 15.
There will not be a matching funds gift program from WW/ALA in 2010. In 2009, the local lodge received matching funds for the Immigrant Museum and the Salvation Army. Personal matching funds are still available.
The Heartland District convention will be held at Ames, Iowa, Sept. 10-11, 2010. Two delegates will elected to attend.
The annual picnic will be held at Senior Court on Sunday, June 27, at 5 p.m. This is the traditional Danish National fete known as “St. Han’s Aften” held on the longest day of the year with each family or group burning bonfires to ward demons away from the crops.
Eight members from the brotherhood signed up to attend the Sons of Norway banquet May 14.
Roberta Ernston of REACT presented a program on the many activities they participate in every year such as using their ham radio and cell phones for helping the police and sheriff’s department with events. A fund raiser for new radio equipment for the Law Enforcement Center was held this spring. Danish Brotherhood members have volunteered to help by contributing cookies at the Interstate Rest Stop July 4th weekend.
Olav Andersen, computer friend in Denmarkcame to Albert Lea with his mother and sister on May 20.
Hosting the meeting and serving lunch were John and MaryAnn Petersen and Robert and Marcia Petersen.