United Methodist Women

Published 11:36 am Saturday, January 15, 2011

Merle Stensrud opened the Jan. 5 meeting of the United Methodist Women with a piano selection “Morning Greeting.” Just Three circle presented the pledge service program “Finding Peace” with Joyce Halvorson, Eileen Larson, Adean Turner and Ruth Vermedahl participating.

Marcelle Emston, president pro-tem, opened the business meeting with concerns and prayer. Minutes of the December meeting, correspondence and circle roll call was taken by Fern Urbatsch, secretary.

Vermedahl, treasurer, gave her report and presented the proposed 2011 budget. Tracy Vandegrift made a motion to accept the proposed budget, seconded and carried.

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United Methodist Women’s Sunday will be celebrated Jan. 30. Greeters and ushers for both services were recruited and the committee will meet to finish plans for the narthex display.

Spiritual Growth mission coordinator Turner read an article entitled “Kindness and Acceptance,” and Sharon Nelson spoke on social action. Thanks were given to Vandegrift for getting the new circle books ready with help in collating by Halvorson and Vermedahl.

From the library Dorothy Balder reviewed the book “Enrico’s Journey” a touching story of a Mexican families struggle and separation. Those finishing the 2010 reading program should turn in their list of books to Dorothy immediately. Cards sent were reported along with illnesses and concerns. Norieta Rippentrop was thanked for replacing the needed supplies.

The meeting adjourned with singing “The Song of Hope.”

Preceding the meeting brunch was served by Hope circle.