Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation awards $46,000 in grants to home visitation programs

Published 3:17 pm Saturday, January 29, 2011

Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation is pleased to announce that five programs in the region have received awards through its annual granting process for Home Visitation services. A total of $46,000 was awarded to enhance or expand existing Home Visitation Programs.

The following organizations received grant awards: Austin Public Schools received a $6,000 grant to support a partnership with Austin Medical Center and Mower County Public Health serving teen and at-risk parents that need additional support; Fairmont Area Early Childhood Initiative received a $10,000 grant to continue home visits to families in need not served through other area home visiting programs; Freeborn County Public Health received a $10,000 grant to continue home visiting through its Freeborn County Healthy Families Program; Minnesota Valley Action Council received a $10,000 grant to enhance its Head Start Home Visiting Program; and Winona Public Schools received a $10,000 grant to expand its Baby Connections Program.

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