Moped stolen from Skyline Plaza
Published 9:39 am Friday, October 19, 2012
A gray moped was reported stolen from Skyline Plaza’s parking lot to the police Thursday. According to reports the incident happened several days ago.
Tires stolen from Crossroads Trailer
An extra police patrol was requested at 2501 Crossroads Blvd. after someone reported a hole in the fence and several tires stolen around 7 p.m. Thursday, according to the Albert Lea Police Department.
Woman’s hand stuck under concrete
Police responded to a medical call at 504-1/2 Bridge Ave. after someone reported a woman’s hand stuck underneath concrete at 7:09 p.m. Thursday. Police assisted, and no one was transported to a hospital.
Cow walks off after car collision
A cow was reportedly hit by a car near State Line Road and 755th Avenue on Friday morning. Police received a call at 5:37 a.m., and the reportee stated the cow got up and walked off after the crash. The cow’s owners were notified and were out looking for it.