A few facts about the National FFA Organization

Published 9:32 am Monday, February 21, 2011

FFA Mission

The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

To accomplish its mission, FFA:

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• Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership.

• Increases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to well-being.

• Strengthens the confidence of agriculture students in themselves and their work.

• Promotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career.

• Encourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs.

• Encourages wise management of economic, environmental and human resources of the community.

• Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction.

• Builds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism.

• Promotes healthy lifestyles.

• Promotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people.

• Encourages excellence in scholarship.

The FFA Motto

The FFA motto gives members 12 short words to live by as they experience the opportunities in the organization. Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.

In 1950, the 81st Congress of the United States, recognizing the importance of the FFA as an integral part of the program of vocational agriculture, granted a federal charter to the FFA. In 1998, the 105th Congress of the United States reviewed and passed technical amendments. This shows through the revisions as Public Law 105-225.

History of FFA Week

FFA Week gives members a chance to educate the public about agriculture. During the week, chapters host teacher appreciation breakfasts, conduct “Ag Olympics” competitions, speak to the public about agriculture, volunteer for community service projects and more.

The week of George Washington’s birthday was designated as National FFA Week in 1947 at a National FFA Board of Directors meeting. FFA Week always runs from Saturday to Saturday, and encompasses Feb. 22, Washington’s birthday.

More about the FFA

Founded in 1928, the Future Farmers of America brought together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. In Kansas City’s Baltimore Hotel, 33 young farmboys charted a course for the future. They could not have forseen how the organization would grow and thrive.

Since 1928, millions of agriculture students — no one knows exactly how many — have donned the official FFA jacket and championed the FFA creed. FFA has opened its doors and its arms to minorities and women, ensuring that all students could reap the benefits of agricultural education.

Today, the National FFA Organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Now, the organization is expanding the nation’s view of “traditional” agriculture and finding new ways to infuse agriculture into the classroom.