
Published 8:11 am Sunday, May 5, 2013

Freeborn 4-H

The Freeborn 4-H Club held its monthly meeting on April 14 at the Freeborn American Legion Hall. Vice President/Secretary Chris Anderson called the meeting to order, and the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H pledge were recited.

Roll call was taken by Anderson by asking “What is your middle name?”

The secretary’s report was read by Anderson and approved as read.

Email newsletter signup

The treasurer’s report was given by Travis Bye and there were no bills to present. The treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Sandy Anderson reported that at the Belgian waffle breakfast silent auction, there were only seven baskets including the one that the club donated. A sheet had been received from the extension office as to what to do with the money that was generated from the sale of the baskets. It was agreed to give all of the money to the extension office to use toward scholarships.

Sandy announced that April 15 was the very last day to add or drop projects. Sandy handed out information sheets about this and about the photography project.

Sandy brought up a suggestion to have a bake sale today at the Freeborn Legion Hall. The club could also sell red geraniums in front of the hall. The Freeborn Area Heritage Society is having a pancake breakfast at that time. The members and parents thought that this was a good idea. Sandy will ask the extension office to approve this fundraiser.

Before the meeting started the members of the club decorated paper bags and then cookies were placed into the bags. After the meeting, the bags of cookies were donated to the elderly around Freeborn and the surrounding community. After all of the cookies were delivered, the club members and parents went to the bowling alley in Albert Lea. The club members enjoyed an afternoon of bowling, pizza and pop.

The club’s next meeting will be at 4 p.m. May 19 at the Freeborn Legion Hall.
ELCA Women

The Blue Earth River Conference spring event was held April 6 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Kiester with Trinity Luther Church assisting.

There were 84 guests who attended. The theme of the event, rejoice and celebrate, centered on the last 25 years of the Women of the ELCA.

Temple talks were given by Lois Anderson of the national WELCA, Dorothy Satre of Southeast Minnesota Synodical Women and Andrea Goskreutz of Blue Earth River Conference, to recognize conveners for the last 25 years.

A message was given by the Rev. Sarah Nietz, who is from Minneola Lutheran Church in rural Goodhue. She grew up in Fairmont. She stated the presence of wisdom (voice of the Holy Spirit) is in the scriptures. Proverb 8 – pointing the way, light of salvation, joy of life and faith, life long salvation with God. Wisdom will not last – cries out the message of God. For 25 years ELCA women have played a feminine role of wisdom, leadership and guides in many ways. Nietz was a very inspiring and energetic speaker.

The 2013-14 officers are Denise Kluender, convener, Andrea Groskreutz, secretary, Alice Goemann, publicity, Esther A. Ziemer and Genie Hanson, members at large, and Lorraine Jacobsen, Joanne Wertjes and Hazel Spiering as the nomination committee.

The Rev. Katie Pals led the group in the holy communion service with special violin music by Kristen Simon-Frank.

The spring event of 2014 will be at United Lutheran Church in Walters with Mansfield Lutheran Church of Alden assisting.