Published 6:47 am Sunday, May 19, 2013
Travel Class of Albert Lea
Travel Class of Albert Lea met on April 15 in the events room of First Presbyterian Church to open the 2013 program year.
The Rev. Dwight Netzer of First Presbyterian presented a program on the recent tour of Israel that he and his wife had taken. As he spoke Dean Christianson of the church projected slides of the many biblical areas visited. He expressed how it felt to be in the country of his religious background. Darcy’s photos showed many areas named in the Bible. Members had the opportunity to discuss the scenes shown and thanks was extended to Netzer for sharing.
The business meeting followed the program. Eleven members answered roll call. Jane Colby, treasurer, collected dues and reported proceeds of $271 from fall nut sales. It was decided to continue the sale each fall. The current balance in the treasury is $335.29. Hostesses Shirley Chryst and Muriel Sargent served dessert. The May meeting will be at the home of Marlene Behle with Lu Callstrom and Colby assisting at the annual prayer breakfast.
Zare Zapadu lodge
Twenty-eight members of the Zare Zapadu lodge met April 24 at Brick Hall.
Following a delicious potluck supper, President Dan Rayman opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allianace. The group observed a moment of silence in observance of the Boston Marathon tragedy, the West, Texas explosion and the loss of members, Clara Johnson, Bruce Kermes and Milo Belshan. The members extended their sympathy to the families.
Roll call was taken and there was perfect attendance of all offices.
Rayman welcomed a new member, Leland Estes, and his wife, Ann. He also welcomed guests Nance and Gary Mason and Nancy Hajek. It was nice to have them in attendance.
Judy Becker was appointed to the scholarship committee. The lodge discussed the explosion in West, Texas. There is a fellow lodge there. Member Joan Krikava contacted them for information. The lodge decided to send $200 to the fire department that lost their fire trucks and ambulance and send $100 to their victim’s crisis fund.
Dan Belshan gave a report on the veteran’s memorial project for the Bohemian National Cemetery. A $10,000 grant was received from the DAR so the project will proceed. Lodge No. 44 members attended the District No. 4 meeting in Owatonna on April 28. The members enjoyed a delicious meal served by Lodge No. 127. The lodge also took up a monetary donation for West, Texas, relief at the district meeting.
The group cleaned the lodge hall grounds on April 27. Eighteen members helped.
On April 20, a group of people from the Czech Republic and Slovakia visited the Brick Hall. They were sponsored by the Rotary Club. Dennis Rayman gave a history of the lodge and hall and Czech immigration to the area. The lodge served sandwiches, kolache and coffee. The guests enjoyed being able to speak Czech with some of the lodge members.