
Published 11:05 am Friday, August 30, 2013

First Lutheran Church

First Lutheran Church of Glenville held a noon dinner honoring members of the church 70 years old and older. Sixty-one members were served chicken breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, scalloped corn, buns, fruit salad and cheesecake with fruit topping.

The members are sorry that Scott Mehus had an emergency appendectomy and was unable to do the program from the National Eagle Center in Wabasha.

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Instead of the program, the members had devotions, said table prayer and heard a poem read by Jeneane Rushton. There were also familiar songs for the sing-a-long. The church members’ version of bingo was also played. Door prizes were given out.

A good time was had by all. The offering was given to the Ronald McDonald House in Rochester.


St. John’s Auxiliary

The St. John’s Auxiliary met at 2 p.m. Aug. 19 in the St. John’s Lutheran Home chapel. President Caroline Sorenson welcomed everyone. Devotions were led by the Rev. Jeff Laeger-Hagemeister. On piano he led the group in singing “I Love to Tell the Story” and “I Need Thee Every Hour.”

Auxiliary Secretary Bonnie Schneider and Treasurer Lorraine Schaper gave their reports. The reports were approved as read.

Sorenson informed those present that the board had a special meeting and voted to purchase two new grills for St. John’s.

Volunteer Coordinator Carla Reichel reported that 1,027 volunteer hours were given in July. Daycare had 16 hours and three You and Me Clubs.

Activities Director Shirley Leeman reported on the activities that are planned for September. The schedule is as follows. Sept 3: L.A. Sasse, Sept. 4: Pelican Breeze, Sept. 5: John Ulland, Sept. 6: Johnny Bird, Sept. 9: Carol and Charlie Reed gospel program, Sept. 13: Gary Froiland, Sept. 14: Dunnell Lenort, Sept. 17: Richard Hagedorn music, Sept. 18: Service of healing and prayer, Sept. 19: Hans the Accordion Man, Sept. 20: 3 CD’s music, Sept. 22: Auxiliary fundraiser luncheon, Sept. 23: Spelling bee, Sept. 25: Chris VanArx, Sept. 27: Robert and Dennis Coates music and Sept. 28: Live farm animals will be brought in. Leeman also had a display of the many ribbons received by the residents at the Freeborn County Fair. Congratulations.

Sorenson read the names of residents celebrating August birthdays and everyone sang the birthday song.

Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Round Prairie Lutheran, Salem Lutheran, Our Savior’s Lutheran, Ascension Lutheran and Mansfield Lutheran.

The program was provided by storyteller Bev Jackson Cotter. She said that one’s own stories are very important so tell someone about them — your family and your friends. She told a wonderful story of her life titled “Story of the Rose, A Story of Love.”

Refreshments were provided by the St. John’s activities department and St. John’s dietary department.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s prayer.


First Lutheran Church Women

The First Lutheran Church Women met at 9:15 a.m. Aug. 14 in Bethany Hall for their annual brunch.

Prelude music was provided by Joan Holt.

President Neva Mathison welcomed the group to the August brunch.

Mathison also introduced the program that was prior to brunch.

The program began with the Wednesday yoga group that included the following members: Roxann Brue, Pat Steele, Lois Jensen, Carol Olson, Babe Enderson, Sandy Mullenback, Sara Aeikens, Vergie Asper and Jinni Olson.

In the absence of Clemencia Gujral, Asper and Olson led the group in a 15-minute workout in which the entire group participated.

The table prayer was prayed by the entire group before enjoying a lovely brunch.

Janice Tukua gave the devotions after which the group recited the purpose of the group.

Hymn No. 554 “This is My Father’s World” was sung in unison.

Mathison led the business meeting.

The secretary’s report was approved, as printed, by a motion being made by Nancy Jenson and seconded by Sandy Narverud and will be placed on file.

In old business, Mathison mentioned the Southeastern Minnesota Synodical Women’s Organization convention that will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 21 at Grace Lutheran Church. These reservations need to be completed and returned by Sept. 15 along with the registration fee of $25 per person.

In new business Mathison stated that the anti-bullying presentation was planned for 7 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Albert Lea High School auditorium with an anti-bullying workshop planned from 8 a.m. to noon on Aug. 27 in Bethany Hall at First Lutheran Church.

Also under new business Mathison reminded the group of the Sept. 11 triennial convention and gathering on July 22-24, 2014, in Charlotte, N.C.

The group was also reminded of Pioneer Day on Sept. 11 as well as the reformation luncheon at noon Oct. 9 in Bethany Hall.

Corresponding secretary Jensen said thank you notes were received from Good Earth Village for the $50 donation and Mt. Carmel for the $100 donation.

The hymn “Let All Things Now Living” was sung while offering was taken.

The offering prayer was given by Tep Christensen.

Mathison thanked the ushers, Marilyn Chaffee and Naverud, as well as the greeters, Joyce Johnson, Vonnie Oftedahl and Betty Ruud.

Hostesses for the meeting were co-chairwomen Maxine Hanson and Kathy Olson and their committee, Janice Brandt, Lorraine Browman, Betty Gulbrandson, Marge Moine and Joanne Williamson.

Caring and sharing served one funeral in July. Co-chairwomen were Bonnie Schneider and Helene Westrum and their committee.

The meeting closed with the Lord’s prayer.