Published 6:48 am Sunday, September 29, 2013
Ascension Lutheran Church Women
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA had their annual meeting and all circles Bible study in Carlson Hall at 6 p.m. Sept. 10. The Rev. Mark Boorsma led the Bible study from the September Gather, “Hannah, A Promise Keeper.”
Mary Circle served.
Co-president Doris Guenthner opened the business meeting.
The secretary and treasurer’s reports were placed on file.
In correspondence thanks yous were read. Thank you from Kayla Overland for the confirmation book, thank you from Kristine Sandagar and thank you from Carla Reichel of St. John’s Lutheran Home for helping in serving Sunday coffee.
In old business, there was a special thank you to Alice Jensen and Marilyn Danielsen for chairing Ascension’s salad women’s gust night and to all those who helped make WELCA’s guest night a huge success.
Sept. 21 is the SE Syndocial WELCA convention at Grace Lutheran Church in Albert Lea beginning at 8 a.m. Those donating bars are asked to bring them by 8:30, and workers for noon lunch are to report by 10:45 a.m.
In new business, the St. John’s annual fund benefit luncheon is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 22 with drive-up take out. Menu includes pulled pork on a bun, salad, chips, pickles, beverage and dessert bars. The sign-up sheet for 2014 for St. John’s was extended to circles. Also, asking for two Sundays to help with escort service to chapel. Reminder that the auxiliary meetings have been moved to the morning at 10:30 a.m. beginning in 2014.
Kitchen cleaning was Sept. 19. After that, the time and talent committees would meet beginning around 10:15 a.m.
A reminder was given that Ascension Youth Group is asking for donations of slightly used Christmas decorations for their fundraiser booth at Ascension’s Nov. 2 bazaar.
The nominating committee, Jan Jerdee and Caroline Sorenson, presented the following for slate of WELCA officers for 2014 as follows. A motion by Caroline Sorenson and seconded by Elaine Struck to accept the slate of officers for 2014. Motion carried.
Co presidents will be Doris Guenthner and Denise Sandager.
Secretary will be Lorraine Schaper, treasuer, Cheryl Venem, mission in growth, Joan Anderson, mission in action, Ruth Furland, mission in community, Mary Boormsa and prayer coordinator, Elaine Struck.
The next meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 13.
VFW Auxiliary
The ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 447 met Sept. 9 at the American Legion hall with President Frances Camerer presiding.
Auxiliary secretary and treasurer read the reports of each meeting which were approved as read.
Old businesses reminded of the First District ladies auxiliary VFW meeting which will be at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 5 at the Spring Valley Post 4114 at the Spring Valley High School, 705 N. Section Ave.
A noon lunch will be served at the Hason Raabe Post, 104 S. Broadway, Spring Valley. Department senior Vice President Doris Anderson will be the department representative. Honored at the meeting will be past department, past district presidents and auxiliary presidents. Schools of instruction will be Patriots Pen and Voice of Democracy. Schools should be active in these programs at this time. The Voice of Democracy theme is “Why I’m optimistic about our nation’s future.” Students from ninth through 12th grade can participate. The Patriotic Pen theme is “What patriotism means to me.” Students in sixth through eighth grade can participate. The deadline for both programs into district chairmen is Nov. 1. Marilyn Danielson is the local chairwoman. She can be reached at 373-0518.
Discussion was held on the free membership luncheon on Wednesday (Sept. 18). Those who were unable to make it and haven’t paid their 2013-14 dues yet are asked to send them to treasurer Lynda Vermedahl at 216 E. Main St., Twin Lakes, MN, 56089. Vermedahl can be reached at 852-2855.
The charter was draped for auxiliary sister Brenda Avelar who went to her heavenly home on July 25, 2013. Bless her memory.
Mary Carlson won the door prize.
The Post served lunch.
The next auxiliary meeting will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 14 at the American Legion.
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women met on Sept. 4.
JoAnn Seuser of Martha Circle presented the program about music in the life of the Methodist Church. Several hymnals used in the Albert Lea Methodist Church over the past 135 years were displayed. Songs from that time were sung by the group.
President Jerry Horswell opened the meeting with prayer and the United Methodist Women’s purpose. She thanked Martha Circle for the program and Mary-Grace for serving.
The July minutes, correspondence and circle attendance reports were read by Seuser.
Treasurer Ruth Vermedahl gave the report for July and August and the financial results of the Strawberry Garden Party. Members were reminded of the collection of “L” and “G” dollars at circle meetings.
Readings about the goodness of life were given by spiritual growth chairwoman, Adean Turner.
Workers and desserts were needed for serving at St. John’s on Sept. 15. Volunteers that day were Rita Blake, Marcia Moyer, Joyce Halvorson and Seuser.
Desserts were donated by Gladys Wagner, Norieta Rippentrop, Eileen Larson, Veda Harris, Seuser, Moyer, Blake and Halvorson.
Assisting residents at bingo at the Good Samaritan Society were Halvorson, Turner, Marty Beckmann, Shirley Peterson and Ardith Robertson, all members of the Just Three circle.
The group was reminded that donations for Emma Norton and birth kits for UMCOR can be brought to the church.
The next meeting is Oct. 2 with coffee at 9:30 a.m. and a meeting at 10 a.m.
The program will be by Diane Wichmann, director of fund development at St. John’s Lutheran Home.
The meeting was closed with the group singing the “Three-fold Amen” and praying the Lord’s prayer.