Vigil group is good for pro-lifers

Published 10:21 am Monday, October 28, 2013

There seems to be more then enough bad news in the world so I thought I would pass on some really good news for a change! I’m referring to a pro-life organization called 40 Days For Life whose vision is to access God’s power through a focused campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion in our world.

The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to the evil of abortion. Prayer can be offered outside a designated abortion facility, in a church, in your car, at work or at home with your family.

Specifically, prayers are offered for:

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• Women who are at risk of having an abortion.

• Innocent babies who are at risk.

• Men and women who carry the pain of a past abortion experience.

• Workers at Planned Parenthood facilities and abortion centers.

• Local, regional and national leaders.

• Revival and renewal in our churches.

• Repentance and healing throughout our nation.

The visible public centerpiece of 40 Days For Life is a focused, 40-day nonstop, round-the-clock prayer vigil outside a single abortion facility in your community. It is a peaceful and educational presence that sends a powerful message to the community about the tragic reality of abortion. It also serves as a call to repentance for those who work at or patronize the facility.

If you would like to be a part of this powerful and effective effort, please go to Currently, there are vigils underway in both Mankato and Rochester, which are in need of more volunteers. You can sign up for a time slot by going to or /rochester. All of the information and directions are included on the websites. This worldwide effort has bore tremendous fruit with many lives saved, abortion facilities closed down and lives transformed and healed. Will you be a part of the effort?


Scott Bute
