Published 8:25 am Friday, March 18, 2011
Grace Lutheran Church held a WELCA meeting on March 3. They began the meeting with a devotion led by Erika Youlden. They ended the meeting by saying the Lord’s Prayer.
The Rev. Todd Walsh passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers to bring soup for the Lenten soup suppers. President Paula Buendorf shared a website that has links specific to WELCA’s synod. The site is www.semnsynod.org/WELCA.html. The Fellowship Hall Remodel Committee will begin to meet and plan. WELCA needs a representative on the committee, and Mary Hallum volunteered to be the representative. The February secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were submitted and approved.
The Caring and Sharing Committee had no funerals in February. Upcoming events are the retreat in April and the Good Friday Luncheon. The Stewardship Committee’s March focus will be helping food shelves and the Salvation Army. Stamps and Campbell’s Soup labels were given to Lakeview Elementary School, pop tabs were taken to the Ronald McDonald House, Milk Moola labels were given to Hawthorne Elementary School and cell phones were donated to the Crime Victims’ Crisis Center. New rules for Lutheran World Relief kits include that they are no longer taking washcloths, erasers, construction paper, bandages or nail files. They now need bath towels, hand towels, pens, baby socks, baby caps and nail clippers. Sweaters and sweatshirts must be hooded. School kits will be put together for in-kind gifts at the triennial gathering in Spokane, Wash. The April focus for health kits for the Lutheran World Relief.
Quilting Committee made 21 quilts, one afghan and one blanket for Lutheran World Relief. They need materials for quilting, blankets, sheets and everything but clothing. Quilts will be blessed on May 8. Lutheran World Relief will be here May 21. The Cookbook Committee will begin collecting recipes in March. It will contain only salads to commemorate the 35th annual salad luncheon at Grace Lutheran. There were no circles reporting.
The Women’s Retreat Committee has been meeting and have developed a draft for the schedule for the event. Speakers are being contacted and the theme will be “Journeys of Faith.”
Lorraine Nagel would like to attend the triennial gather. WELCA will give $299 for her expenses, and six people from Grace Lutheran will attend the gathering.
The Good Friday lunch is scheduled for April 22. Caring and Sharing Committee will be planning the event.
Upcoming events
Month of April: kitchen cleaning and inventory
April 7: Monthly WELCA meeting at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room
April 9: Women’s Retreat
April 22: Good Friday lunch
April 25, 26 and 27: Circles meet
May 5: Monthly WELCA meeting at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room
May 7: Daughters of Grace Lutheran banquet
Monthly meetings are open to all women of any age of the church. The group provides support to the church and to each other.