Open liquor stores on Sundays, etc.
Published 9:59 am Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The Albert Lea Tribune editorial was deficient in substance. “Hardship.” Nobody is mandating that the stores be open on Sunday; this is a choice of the owner or municipalities.
“We are used to the law.” Really? Come on, what is the compelling benefit of having people stock up on Saturday to compensate for Sunday closures? I believe the people of Minnesota are better than this. We have the freedom to choose. Laws based on antiquated practices serve no one. It’s good to purge laws that are no longer relevant. Prohibition was repealed in 1933. It’s about time.
Global warming
Al Gore, the grand poobah of the global warming cult, stated the polar ice caps would or could disappear in 2013 in spite of this the ice is thicker than ever in 2013. Global warming is nothing more than a ruse to manipulate the masses. John C. Beale would agree. He was the EPA’s top climate change expert. Now he is doing 32 years in prison. In a statement he was “trying to find ways to fine tune the capitalist system” to discourage companies from damaging the environment. “I spent a lot of time reading on that,” said Beale.
The Minnesota Legislature
Mordor on the Mississippi will be in session. Hide your wallets and be vigilant about your civil rights as the ever-watchful eye of revenue enhancement will blaze across the state to impose new taxes, fees and fines. Meanwhile individuals from Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Joyce Foundation again are using money to buy influence in our state. Sixteen members of MAIG are awaiting trial or have been sentenced some members even used guns in criminal activity.
Other issues
People, the ones who cheer and worship politicians at the bread and circuses, are giving up liberty and freedom without question because they are promised safety and security but get neither. The man who has a phone and pen but lacks consensus, changes laws at will then runs up credit card to China only to pass off the bill to the next generation. Legislators using the process to build grandiose monuments unto themselves a $90 million Minnesota Senate building with reflecting pool for part time work, marble statues would be cheaper.
Is that Rome I smell burning?
Randy Kruckeberg