Published 9:00 am Sunday, February 23, 2014
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women met on Feb. 5.
Perian Buringa and Marcia Moyer of Hope Circle presented the program “Prayer and Self Denial.”
President Jerry Horswell opened the business meeting. She thanked Hope Circle for the program and Mary Grace Circle for serving.
JoAnn Seuser gave the secretary and treasurer’s reports, circle attendance and correspondence. Adean Turner, spiritual growth chairwoman, read various passages about love in the Bible. He also read a chapter of the book “Real Love” by Mary Hangge Nelson.
Education and interpretation chairwoman Fern Urbatsch told of an article in the New World Outlook magazine.
Sharon Nelson, social action chairwoman, mentioned possible fundraisers for 2014.
Reading program chairwoman Judy Hargrave spoke about the book “A Hopeful Earth” written by the former Minnesota Bishop of the United Methodist Church Sally Dyck. She also reminded members of a box for Emma Norton Home donations, which is located in the narthex. A monetary gift will be given the the Emma Norton Home in memory of Marge Thompson.
Tracy Vandegrift and Marty Beckmann were thanked for their work in the new circle books for 2014.
The group shared memories of recently deceased members Charlotte Sevaldson and Thompson.
The next meeting will begin with coffee at 9:30 a.m. and a program at 10 a.m. on March 5.
Wa Tan Ye Service Club
The Feb. 3 meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge. Roll call was taken. The minutes were read by JoAnn Holstad. Holstad also gave the treasurer’s report. Both were approved and filed. Correspondence was read.
Wedge passed out a survey concerning the Wa Tan Ye convention. The choices were:
• Convention every other year
• Cut the three days of convention down to two days
• Have a more central location for the convention
After a discussion, the convention was left as every year. The meetings were cut down to two days. There won’t be a central location.
There was $27 collected for the food shelf. The meeting was adjourned.
Delores Weller was the hostess for the meeting. The next meeting is March 3.
Fully Rely on God
F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God) of Central Freeborn Lutheran Church, rural Albert Lea, held a Valentine’s Day party Feb. 8. Forty people attended.
The attendees were asked to introduce each other at the table where they were seated. Two of the ladies were introduced with, “This is my grandma.” Grandmas Michelle Cardona and Sharon Johnson beamed with pride.
Ten of the attendees were first-time Norwegian bingo players. Jamylin Smith came well prepared to play as she had one letter of bingo on each fingernail of each hand to spell “bingo.”
Pizza and pop were followed by 12 games of Norwegian bingo. Twenty-three people played, with Pat Steele earning bingo the most — four times. Marlene Kauffman was next at three times.
A Valentine’s card was signed by those present, plus those attending church the next day, and was mailed to each of the 13 church members who haven’t been able to get around much this winter.
Kesi Titus and Emily Griggs were winners of Valentine door prizes.
The evening concluded with a no-holds-barred, all-the-calories-you-can-eat ice cream buffet. Eunice Bakken furnished homemade heart-shaped Valentine cookies to go with the ice cream. Her empty pan was returned with a note in big letters: “More.”
The next planned activities in 2014 are the following:
• Norwegian bingo at East Freeborn Lutheran Church at 6 p.m. March 11.
• Church Basement Ladies on June 22, leaving Albert Lea at 11 a.m.
• Lutheran Night at the Twin’s on July 21, leaving Albert Lea at 4 p.m.
• Christmas by the Lake in Clear Lake on Dec. 6, leaving Albert Lea at 3 p.m.
For reservation information, contact 373-8655 or 826-3267.