High school to host show choir event

Published 10:53 am Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Albert Lea High School vocal music department will present a show choir showcase concert at 7 p.m. next Thursday in the high school auditorium. The concert will feature both the show choirs at ALHS: the all women’s show choir, SASS, and the mixed group, CATaclysmic. Also featured will be a pop group from Blue Earth High School, the vocal jazz ensemble from Lourdes High School in Rochester and the show choir from North Iowa Area Community College, under the direction of Jayson Ryner.

This concert takes the place of the show choir competition that has previously been held each year.  It will be a fundraiser for the choir and will help sustain the show choir program. Tickets are available at the door for $5. Music concert or other district passes are not valid for this event.

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