Wa-Tan-Ye Club

Published 8:44 am Friday, March 25, 2011

The March meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge. The roll call was taken with four members absent. Alice Petersen read the minutes for the last meeting; they were approved and placed on file. Alice also gave the treasurer’s report which was approved and placed on file.

The group signed up for selling dishcloths on March 12. This is in honor of Wa-Tan-Ye week, March 6 through 12. They will be selling dishcloths at Northbridge Mall.

Wedge announced anniversaries of club members. Shirley Chase was reinstated 15 years ago. JoAnn Holstad has been a member 41 years. Beverly Head and Delores Welter both celebrated 20 years each.

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They collected money for the food shelf. The meeting was adjourned.

Marie Quema was the hostess for the meeting. Joy McCune and Shirley Chase won the door prizes.