Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 13, 2014
Trinity Lutheran Church Women
The Trinity Lutheran Church Women met for their annual salad luncheon guest day at noon April 2.
The welcome was given by Bev Jackson-Cotter and the devotion was given by the Rev. Marcia Hall. The Rev. Hall said to be joyful and merry, and to enjoy life. There are 57 referrals about laughter in the Bible. Dorie Schou provided the piano music before the luncheon.
The Mary Circle was in charge of the luncheon. Mary Circle provided the deviled eggs and an assorted selection of bars. Each circle member from the five Trinity circles were asked to bring a salad. Each circle was also in charge of bringing a large group salad. Mary Circle was in charge of decorating the tables. LeAnn Juveland and Ann Goodmanson made the centerpieces for each table. The theme was red gingham and geraniums. The attendance was great with guests from approximately 17 churches.
Jan Drews, mission growth secretary, introduced the featured speaker, Dawn Reisig, wife of the Rev. Don Reisig. The Rev. Reisig is a former pastor of Trinity Lutheran who served from 1978 to 1985. Her program was “ A Day Without Laughter is a Day Without Sunshine.” The day of the luncheon was bright and sunny and was filled with plenty of joy and a lot of laughter. The program was said to be delightful and enjoyed by all. The Rev. Don and Dawn were excited about returning to Albert Lea and visiting with friends.
The Blue Earth Conference Spring Event was April 5. Sewing Day at Trinity was April 9.
The program was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Central-East Freeborn Lutheran Men in Mission
A soups and trimmings meal was served at 6 p.m. April 1 at Central Freeborn Lutheran Church. Wayne Indrelic was the soup chef with 38 people enjoying his fixings.
The meal was followed by a Harley program with Floyd Baird, former city official in Sturgis, S.D., as the presenter. He gave many stories having to do with the Sturgis Rally. One example was the Iowa family in a winnebago where the kids were enjoying the scenery while Mom and Dad two-hour off and back on the freeway.
The program was followed by an ice cream add-your-own topping dessert bar.
Door prize winners were Brian Thompson, who won a bright green Harley t-shirt, and Bev Indrelic, who won a Harley ladies denim shirt.
American Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 of Albert Lea met at 7 p.m. April 2 in the club dining room. The usual ceremonies were held. Secretary Vonnie Oftedahl took attendance and gave the secretary’s report. Treasurer Deanne Adams gave her report. The reports were approved.
A memorial service was held the group’s seven deceased members this past year.
Committee chairman reports were given. Children and Youth Chair Karen Cibert reported that 330 milk moola, 1,072 box tops for education, 260 labels for education and 10.6 pounds of pop tabs were collected this year. Prizes were won by persons guessing closest to the correct number. Remember to keep collecting these items and turn them into the Legion club. National Security Chair Betty Anderson had two boxes of coupons ready to ship out to troops. Please continue to save coupons and bring to the club. Also bring in cancelled commemorative stamps, soaps and shampoos from hotels and phone cards for veterans in veteran hospitals. Poppy Chairman Audrey Johannsen announced Poppy Days will be May 15 and 16. Those that can help for a couple of hours on those days should call Audrey at 507-373-9809.
The district convention will be May 17 in Austin and the department convention will be July 17-19 in Rochester. Delegates elected are Bonnie Schneider, Maureen Steihl, Vonnie Oftedahl, Deanne Adams, Jenny Torgerson, Ange Larson, Diane Schaunce, Karen Cibert, Carol Smith and Joyce Olson.
Recommendations from the board that were voted on and passed were donations to Commander’s Project, the historical museum, Legionville, department of district president projects, Albert Lea firefighters, district and department delegates’ expenses and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon.
The quarter drawing was won by Betty Anderson. Karen Cibert, children and youth chairman, served lunch.
The meeting was closed with the singing of “God Bless America.” Prayer was given by President Bonnie.
The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. June 4 in the club dining room. Continuous year members will be recognized.