Makayla Ackerman is the 2014 Halverson Hall of Fame winner from third grade. The art of Ackerman and the other winners will hang in the halls of the elementary schools until the students graduate. Not pictured is Brianna Torerson from first grade. – Provided
Ava Cunningham is Hawthorne’s third-grade winner of the 2014 Hall of Fame. Her art will hang in the halls of the school until she graduates. – Provided
Second-grader Eh Ler is one of Hawthorne’s 2014 Hall of Fame winners. His artwork will hang in the school halls until he graduates in this yearly tradition. – Provided
Lucy Stay, a fourth-grader at Sibley Elementary School, is a winner of the 2014 Hall of Fame. Along with the other Hall of Fame winners, her art will hang in the school hallways until she graduates. – Provided