1 of 2 bicyclists struck in hit-and-run has died

Published 9:58 am Thursday, August 7, 2014

OAK PARK HEIGHTS — One of the two bicyclists struck in a hit-and-run in Oak Park Heights over the weekend has died.

Regions Hospital spokeswoman Kelli Trask said 35-year-old Mai D. Yang died Wednesday.

The other bicyclist was 37-year-old E. Xiong of St. Paul. Trask said he is in fair condition.

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The two were biking late Saturday, just before midnight. A driver hit them and fled, and remains at large.

Yang’s brother-in-law, Xue Xiong, said Yang was already brain-dead by the time paramedics arrived. Xiong also said E. Xiong has undergone surgery to have titanium rods implanted in his legs.