Sign incident had cowardly tactics
Published 9:58 am Thursday, October 16, 2014
I would like to address the allegations made toward me, and my husband, Kurt, by Mr. Jim Bronson. This story aired on KIMT on Oct. 10. We were advised that Bronson had one of our campaign signs in his yard that he had defaced. We did not place a sign in his yard, nor did he have permission to display one of our signs.
We went to retrieve our stolen, damaged property. My husband pulled the sign from the ground, at which time Bronson came storming out of his house. He was enraged. My husband put the sign behind his back, using both hands. Bronson was “chest bumping” my husband while he held the sign behind him.
Bronson kept screaming at Kurt to leave his property, but repeatedly stepped in front of him when he tried to do so. Kurt took steps backward to distance himself from Bronson, but Bronson kept approaching him. Kurt told me to call the Albert Lea Police Department as he saw the situation was declining and felt he was going to be assaulted by Bronson. I made the call.
The sign eventually ended up on the ground. I stood on the sign to prevent Bronson from picking it up. The police arrived. No arrests were made. No police report was made. No assault occurred. I did not “tackle” Bronson as he alleges. That is the short version of this story. The truth will come out, and I will pursue Bronson being charged with making a false police report. I am a retired Minneapolis police sergeant. I have been in hundreds of situations more volatile than this, and I am fully capable of maintaining my composure, and I did so during this incident, as did Kurt.
Days later we learned that Marc Johnson, Freeborn County sheriff’s detective (and Kindler’s close, personal friend) had gone to Bronson to encourage him to make a complaint. Did he coach him also? Why would he even approach him?
The Kindler campaign has created a disgusting website about Kurt. They’ve released video of him having a private conversation with a citizen trying to allege “campaigning on duty.” Now this. Why are they spending so much time trying to discredit Kurt rather than running a campaign based on their merits and successes?
Is it because they don’t have any? What will they do next? They have crossed acceptable boundaries by involving me, and Kurt’s children, in their smear campaign. Their attempts to discredit Kurt fail, but they continue trying, each attempt more despicable than the one before.
I appreciate all of the support that has been shown for my husband. We will continue to run his campaign based on truth and facts. We will not use cowardly tactics or hide behind anonymity as they have done. I encourage the opposition to stop the mudslinging and lies. The voters of this county deserve better. I also encourage you to show your support for true integrity, and vote for Kurt Freitag on Nov. 4.
Cheryl Freitag
Albert Lea