Published 9:00 am Sunday, December 21, 2014
FROG of Central Freeborn Lutheran Church
On a balmy Saturday with a temperature of 39 degrees 56 people boarded a coach bus in Albert Lea Dec. 6. With Marilyn Matson at the helm, the bus sponsored by Fully Rely on God of Central Freeborn Lutheran church headed south on Interstate 35.
Twelve games of Deal or No Deal were played on the bus. Winners were Gene Wangen, Diane Wangen, Betty Gulbrandson, Starr Hanson, Donna Stolaas, Trudy Moberg, Linda Boroff, Darlene Hauge, Diane Elmer, Becky Boelter, Cassandra Johnson and Dorothy Kirsch.
A Christmas stocking from the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce shaped like a litter bag was given to each person on the bus. In the bags were coupons from Keith at Slumberland, Jamie at DQ South, Sara and Holly at Perkins and Guyla at KFC.
The bus reached its destination of “Christmas by the Lake” and Matson parked the bus so that the lighted Christmas parade and the fireworks shot over the ice from the bus could be seen. There was even about an hour to tour Main Street with all the Christmas activities.
After the excellent fireworks, with a loud fireball at the end, the bus headed for KFC. Mari and staff greeted the group empty and sent them full back to Albert Lea after an all-you-want buffet. They even sent leftovers with them.
To show their appreciation, Lowell Elmer led the group in singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” as they departed under a bright full moon.
The evening concluded with Matson driving the bus through the live Nativity at the Christian church on Southeast Marshall Street in Albert Lea.
By now most of you have figured out the bus went south of the border to Clear Lake, Iowa. The chamber of commerce staff in Clear Lake rate a 12 on a scale of one to 10. Libby helped with arrangements and prizes on the bus. Every chamber has a character on the staff, with Clear Lake being no exception. Her name tag, the nameplate on her desk, her tattoo plus her Iowa car license all say the same word, “Kweenbe.”
The Christmas by the Lake bus is planned for Dec. 7, 2015. It is always the first Saturday in December.
The next planned FROG party is a Valentine’s Day party with pizza and pop followed by 12 games of fast moving Norwegian bingo, ending with an ice cream buffet Feb. 7 at Central Freeborn Lutheran Church.
Many, many moons ago at this time, Mary and Joseph were really in a bind, as she was about ready to deliver a son and they couldn’t find an inn to stay at. The little feller born in a manger was named Jesus. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA had their regular meeting at 9:15 a.m. Dec. 14.
Denise Sandager shared information and history about the Christmas carol, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Co-President Sandager opened the business meeting. The secretary’s report was read by Lorraine Schaper and approved. There was no treasurer’s report.
There was a thank you from Good Earth Village for the gift and support of the fall Good Gifts Gala, a Christmas greeting from Crossroads Lutheran Campus Ministry of Mankato and greetings from Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.
Caroline Sorenson reported she had talked to a member of Thrivent Financial. She explained that funds are available when it is designated for an individual or a single item. The Ascension quilting group received a check of $100 from Thrivent Financial for quilting supplies.
The Time and Talent Bazaar summary report was given by Kay Boyken and Sorenson.
A motion by Jan Jerdee was made that was seconded by Rosalyn Fossum that the old bazaar items left be set out for the Sunday school children to choose Christmas gifts that they can wrap for their parents. The motion was carried.
Many thanks to Sorenson and Boyken who voluntarily offered to co-chair the Time and Talent Bazaar for 2015.
Alice Jensen gave the report from the Mission in Action committee, sharing that 30 quilts had been completed this year along with 14 baby quilts, 30 layettes, 39 school kits, collected glasses and ink cartridges.
Marilyn Danielson reported that she will meet soon with the kitchen committee to replace the kitchen cutlery using the Ableskiver fund to bring the kitchen cutlery to correct specifications.
Mary Circle reported that they used their extra offerings to purchase from the ELCA Good Gifts catalog a goat and 40 chickens.
Esther Circle donated their excess offerings to the local SEMAC.
The discussion concluded with a plan for doing a guest night again in Aug. 2015 with the time and date to be determined.
Mariam Circle volunteered to host the annual September 2015 meeting.
The following 2015 slate of Ascension WELCA officers will be installed at the 8:15 a.m. church service Jan. 11: Sandager and Lola Evans as co-presidents, Jerdee as secretary, Cheryl Venem as treasurer, Joan Anderson as Mission in Growth, Ruth Furland and Jensen as Co-Mission in Action, Lynn Hestness as Mission in Community and Elaine Struck as prayer coordinator.
The next meeting is set for 9:25 a.m. Jan. 11.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.