Support Our Troops fundraiser underway

Published 10:07 am Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Veterans of Foreign Wars/USA Support Our Troops are conducting their 11th annual fundraiser. Proceeds from the campaign will be used to send items to troops overseas and provide additional funds for returning veterans and their families.

After Thanksgiving the group will send packages to troops overseas to share with their fellow soldiers. The group receives thank you letters of gratitude every year from troops who like knowing people are thinking them.

The group will also continue to support Project New Hope which offers new hope to veterans and their families through weekend retreats at no charge. Professional counseling is available there, as well. In addition, the group provides funding to the Freedom Honor Flight so area veterans may visit the war memorials in Washington, D.C.

Email newsletter signup

Those who would like to make a monetary donation can write a check to VFW/USA Support Our Troops and mail it to Rosie Wadewitz at 317 Knopp Valley Drive, Winona, MN 55987. Those who would like to donate items may contact Mary Singer at 507-454-4047 or email All donations are tax deductible, for VFW/USA Support Our Troops is a 501(c)3 organization.