Charges against protest organizers dismissed

Published 9:47 am Wednesday, November 11, 2015

MINNEAPOLIS — A Minnesota judge Tuesday dismissed charges against organizers of a “Black Lives Matter” protest that drew thousands of demonstrators to the Mall of America.

The protest disrupted Christmas shopping at the privately owned venue. But Hennepin County Chief Judge Peter Cahill ruled that it was peaceful and “not subversive.”

Organizers of the protest had faced misdemeanor charges of aiding and abetting trespass, aiding and abetting unlawful assembly, and aiding and abetting disorderly conduct.

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In the decision, Cahill dismissed all charges against the 11 organizers, but left in place trespass charges against some individual participants,.

“We stand proud today. We stand vindicated today,” said University of St. Thomas law professor Nekima Levy-Pounds, one of the protest organizers. “And we continue to stand in solidarity with people across the country who are declaring that Black Lives Matter and who are disrupting the status quo in their attempts to get justice.