Whose life will you celebrate?

Published 9:00 am Friday, July 10, 2009

The past couple of weeks have seen the deaths of a number of celebrities, both young and old. The media response would suggest that because of their fame and/or fortune they are more valuable and more important than anyone else who may have died in that same time period. Worth according to the standards of this world becomes based upon the quantity of flowers and the star power of the accolades that are offered. Real value and worth can be lost all too easily. Even for the celebrities, their real worth rests with the lives that they touched every day and with their faithfulness to the gifts that God had given to them for the sake of the whole world.

This tension can be seen in the text that many will hear this week in their congregations, the story from the Gospel of Mark about the death of John the Baptist.

The tension between the standards of this world and the standards of God are clearly shown in the contrast between Herod Antipas, the king, and the John the Baptist, spokesman for God. One would seem to have everything, money, power, and the capacity to decide issues of life or death. The other is imprisoned because he spoke the truth without power or influence except for that which comes from doing what is right. In the story John dies at Herod’s command and Herod lives on but in reality who lives and who dies? Which of these two is truly remembered and celebrated? Whose message continues to be proclaimed centuries later?

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One commentator has suggested that it is a contrast between success and significance. To be sure Herod had success according to the measure of this world as have leaders and celebrities throughout the ages. John on the other hand had a life of significance, a life and message that would prepare the way for the promised one. His call to preparation is still heard today.

Is it success according to the standards of the world or significance according to the desire of God that we seek and celebrate today? All too often it is the former and not the latter that makes the headlines. However, that does not diminish the ultimate importance of significance in life lived for the sake of the whole world. Which will you seek? Which will you celebrate?