Senior awards night recognizes excellence

Published 9:15 am Saturday, July 4, 2009

Albert Lea High School held its annual senior awards night on May 13. Despite the economic concerns of our area, the class of 2009 was awarded more than $103,000 in scholarships.

ALHS Counselor Rod Johnson said, “The exciting thing is that over $103,000 was awarded and 85 seniors received scholarships. During these tougher economic times, this is absolutely amazing!”

Anyone desiring to become part of the scholarship program at ALHS next year should contact Rod Johnson, counselor, at 379-5360.

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Here is a list of the scholarships and recipients from the class of 2009.

Albert Lea Baseball Boosters Club scholarships: Cody Hansen and Logan Kortan.

Albert Lea Boys’ Basketball Boosters Club scholarships: Brandon Antl, Woodrow Dahl and Sean Templeman.

Albert Lea Girls’ Basketball Boosters Club scholarships: Britani Felten, Heather Greibrok, Nichelle Klatt, Katherine Schou and Ashley Stewart.

Albert Lea Business and Professional Women’s scholarship: Mary Wangen.

Albert Lea Cross Country Booster Club scholarships: Elizabeth Burnett, Torey Christensen, Woodrow Dahl, Anna Enstad, Amy Gackstetter, Tara Helgerson, Max King, Ethen Marquardt, Katlynn Nelson, Abigail Randall and Grant Verhey.

Albert Lea Eagles Auxiliary Past Presidents’ scholarship: Kelly Nelson.

Albert Lea Education Association scholarship: Elizbeth Burnett and Jessica Henderson.

Albert Lea Exchange Club Youth of the Year: Katlynn Nelson and Kevin Zogg.

Albert Lea FFA Alumni Scholarships: Laci Brune and Ben Manigold.

Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors’ college scholarships: Alissa Goette, Kelli Hanson, Joseph Hubly and Rihong Zheng.

Albert Lea High School Hockey Blue Line Scholarship for boys: Mike Falk.

Albert Lea High School Hockey Blue Line Scholarship for girls: Barbara Carlson, Jenna Christensen, Amy Gackstetter, Kelli Hanson, Jacqui Jepson, Katlynn Nelson and Brittany Osmundson.

Albert Lea High School Alumni Foundation Scholarship: Katlynn Nelson.

Albert Lea LakeView Lions Club scholarships: Lauren Egge, Megan Thompson and Mary Wangen.

Albert Lea Medical Center — Mayo Health System scholarships: Katlynn Nelson and Allyssa Sorenson.

Albert Lea Boys’ Youth Soccer Association scholarships: Adam Clark, Lucas Dang, Jared Jensen and Adam Kermes.

Albert Lea YMCA Y’s Service Club scholarship: Woodrow Dahl.

American Legion Auxiliary Citizenship award: Alexandra Ciota and Kevin Zogg.

American Legioin Auxiliary scholarships: Joe Hubly and Emily Peterson.

Ascension Lutheran Church scholarship: Adam Blanshan.

Mitch Brua Memorial Scholarship: Barbara Carlson.

Mitch Brua Memorial Hockey Scholarship: Grant Stadheim.

John Campbell Memorial/Albert Lea Community Theatre scholarship: Annamarie Caporale.

Cloverleaf Lions Club scholarships: Heather Hemann and Megan Thompson.

Albert B. Cuppage Foundation scholarship: Katherine Schou.

Daybreakers Kiwanis College scholarships: Drew Claussen and Heather Greibrok.

Mark Patrick Delgado Memorial athletic scholarship: Cody Hansen.

Disabled American Veterans Chapter 16 Medical Scholarship: Laci Brune.

District 241 School Board scholarship: Alexandra Ciota and Eric Espe.

Express Personnel scholarship: Kevin Zogg.

First Lutheran Church scholarships: Kelli Hanson, Jacqui Jepson and Brooke Otterson:

Kimberly Olson-Goddard scholarship: Brooke Otterson.

First Presbyterian Church scholarships: Nichelle Klatt, Stephen Piper and Annalise Van Erkel.

Freeborn County Commissioners scholarship: Kelli Hanson and Jessica Malepsy.

Golden K1 Kiwanis scholarships: Britani Felten, Jessica Malepsy and Kaitlin Walker.

Corey Goodnature memorial scholarships: Sarah Barickman, Laura Gaudian, Stephen Piper and Lilia Walther.

Grace Lutheran Church Foundation scholarships: Sophia Hanson and

Jessica Henderson.

John and Alma Mathews memorial scholarship: Robert Peterson.

Gertrude Hanson memorial scholarship: Sidney Laurie.

Godtland memorial scholarship: Katlynn Nelson.

Lindsey Loehr Diemer memorial scholarship: Ashley Wieland.

Halverson PRIDE scholarships: Sara Judd and Emily Peterson.

Bill Hammer memorial scholarship: Kelli Hanson.

Ivan Hargrave memorial scholarship: Alarie Maras.

Hawthorne PTA scholarships: Blake Adams and Alicia Reyes.

Scott C. Kach Memorial Riverland scholarship: Nancy Rivera.

Kwik Trip Community scholarship: Lilia Walther.

Lakeview Elementary L.E.S.O. scholarships: Santos Davila and Alarie Maras.

Larry Lawrence memorial scholarship: Allyssa Sorenson and Kelsey Stolt.

Lions Club scholarships: Laci Brune, Joseph Hubly, Kelly Nelson and Robert Peterson.

Lowbucks Car Club/Eddie Cochran memorial scholarship: Annmarie Caporale.

Leroy Maas wrestling scholarships: Adam Clark, Cody Hansen, Adam Kermes and

Logan Kortan.

Richard Maschka memorial scholarship: Anna Enstad.

Jeanette Wong Ming memorial scholarship: Ashley Wieland.

Moose Lodge 1703 scholarships: Jessica Henderson, Alyssa Keesling, Logan Kortan, Riley McLaughlin, Aleah Roberts and Colton Zuniga.

Terry Moriarty memorial scholarship: Riley McLaughlin.

John M. Morrison scholarship: Jessica Henderson.

Charlie Myers Economic Development Grant: Joseph Hubly.

Naeve Health Care Association-June Wells Memorial Scholarship: Ashley Stewart.

Naeve Hospital Alumni and Nurses’ Club scholarship: Nancy Rivera (Sandy Jensen Memorial Scholarship).

Naeve Hospital Auxiliary scholarships: Tara Helgeson and Megan Thompson.

Noon Kiwanis Club Scholarships: Jacqui Jepson and Ashley Stewart.

Ken and Ruth Olson Memorial Scholarship: Kati Davis.

Paths to Peace in Freeborn County Scholarship: Stephen Piper.

Mark David Paschka Memorial Scholarship: Amy Lysne.

Quarterback Booster Club Scholarships: Cody Hansen, Logan Kortan, Nick Tippett and Jacob Vietze.

Rotary Club Scholarships: Christianna Johnson and Katlynn Nelson.

St. Theodore’s/St. James Parish Council Scholarships: Alex Amundson, Woodrow Dahl and Chelsea LeBrun.

Salem Lutheran Church Scholarships: Tanya Johnson, Adam Kermes, Lindsey Kirsch and Brittany Osmundson.

Tara “T.T.” Seadlund Scholarship: Alyssa Keesling.

Sibley Elementary Scholarships: Brandon Antl, Laci Brune and Alissa Goette.

April Sorenson Memorial Scholarships: Alicia Reyes and Allyssa Sorenson.

Southside Business Association Scholarship: Sara Judd.

Stoa Memorial of Halycon Chapter 21 Eastern Star Scholarships: Annmarie Caporale and Joseph Hubly.

Ian Thompson Memorial Scholarship: Heather Greibrok.

Trinity Lutheran Church Scholarships : Jared Jensen, Sara Judd, Katherine Schou and Parker Stanley.

Steve and Jodi Ladwig Scholarship: Parker Stanley.

Debbie Olson Memorial Scholarship: Sara Judd.

Andrew and Phyllis Pechacek Memorial Scholarship: Jared Jensen.

Wayne Larson Memorial Scholarship: Katherine Schou.

Tri-State Tax and Accounting Scholarship: Christine Balsley.

United Employees Credit Union Scholarship: Ashton Kogel.

United Methodist Church Scholarships

Frederickson Memorial Scholarship (United Methodist Church): Heather Greibrok.

Olive Nelson Memorial Scholarship (United Methodist Church): Sarah Barickman and Anna Enstad.

Charles J. and Beatrice Upin Scholarship: Christine Balsley.

Charles and Leone Wall Charitable Foundation Scholarships: Abigail Randall and Alicia Reyes.

Marv Wangen Memorial Scholarship: Drew Claussen.

Paulette Schwemmler-Wasmoen Memorial Scholarship: Laci Brune.

Wa-Tan-Ye Scholarship: Jessica Malepsy.

Women of the Moose Nursing Scholarship: Alyssa Keesling.

Worth County Development Authority Scholarship: Tanya Johnson.

Bethany Lutheran College Luther Scholarship: Laura Gaudian.

College of St. Scholastica Benedictine, Alumni Referral and Allis Scholarships: Tara Helgeson.

Farmers Mutual Insurance Company Scholarships: Laura Gaudian and Abigail Randall.

Hormel Trust Fund Scholarship: Jenna Christensen and Katherine Schou.

KIMT Scholastic All-Stars: Alex Ciota and Cody Hansen.

Kiwanis Education Foundation, Inc. — Minnesota-Dakotas District: Cody Hansen.

Marquette University Ignatius Loyola Scholarship: Sean Templeman.

Midwest Free Community Papers Scholarship: Robert Peterson.

Minnesota State University, Mankato Maverick Scholarship: Alicia Reyes.

University of Minnesota President’s Distinguished Student Scholarship and Jay and Rose Phillips Family Scholarship: Christianna Johnson.