Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 17, 2016
Freeborn American Legion
The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary met at 9 a.m. March 19 at the American Legion hall in Freeborn. President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance and auxiliary pledges were recited. Anderson also read a prayer.
The auxiliary charter was draped in honor of Norma Jones, who passed away. The ceremony was conducted with members of Jones’ family in attendance. The secretary and treasurer reports were given. Both reports were approved as read. There were no bills to present.
Correspondence was read from the ALA Hospital thanking the group for the items sent to the veterans in the hospital. The department president sent the group a thank you as well for the hospitality from her visit to the soup and pie/dessert fundraiser.
There will be no more sewing dates for the Community Sewing Group until either in the fall or next year. The group appreciates all of the time Viola Krogsgaard and others put into this worthwhile project. They completed many quilts, lap robes, and heart and neck pillows.
Anderson brought out the annual reports and all began the work of getting them completed. She will put the finishing touches on them and mail them off.
The group’s next meeting was at 9 a.m. Saturday at the American Legion hall in Freeborn.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Trinity Lutheran Church Women
The Trinity Lutheran Church Women salad luncheon was at noon April 6. Dori Schou played the piano as people arrived. Co-president Coreen Johnson welcomed everyone.
Erna Berthelsen wrote the devotion, which was read by Coreen Johnson. The devotion came from the book, “Jesus Calling.” It began, “Imagine Jesus speaking to you directly,” 1 Thessalonians 5.18 and Philippians 4.7 can be applied.
Pat Goldman played the piano as the people present sang the table prayer. A salad luncheon followed. Members of Trinity Lutheran Church Women provided salads. There were guests from other churches. Twenty-three churches were invited. The Elizabeth Circle served the luncheon, with Phyllis Tavis and Mary Ann Martinson as chairwomen.
Following the luncheon, Jan Drews introduced the program, “Music and Ministry” by Jeff Buege. Buege shared the love of God through word and song and performs at many nursing homes. Throughout the program he sang “The Lord’s Prayer,” “In the Garden,” “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Shall We Gather at the River,” “One Day at a Time,” “Amazing Grace,” “Time After Time” and “How Great Thou Art.” He ended with the words, “Love God, love one another.”
Johnson closed the meeting by thanking the circle serving and seeing how many came from other churches.
Announcements were made for the Trinity ladies. Sewing Day, Wednesday, will be the last time before the truck comes for Lutheran World Relief. The St. John’s brunch and bake sale was Saturday. Members were asked to bring baked goods in a disposable container with their names and church on it to St. John’s Thursday or Friday.
The meeting closed with praying the Lord’s Prayer.
TOPS MN Chapter 979
The TOPS MN Chapter 979 announced its February and March winners.
February winners were Betty Hanson, Division 2; Betty Gavle, Division 3; and Lois Goodnature, Division 4.
Weekly best losers were Gina Wadding, first; Gavle, second; Janice Schroeder, third; and Frieda Johannsen, fourth.
Lorraine Wallace and Gavle had four weeks of consecutive weight loss.
March division winners were Schroeder, Division 2; Laureen Hohansee, Division 3; Barb Soper, Division 4; and Darlene Kenison, Division five.
Quarterly division winners were Schroeder, Division 2; Gavle, Division 3; Goodnature, Division four; Kenison, Division five; and Keith Porter, male.
KOPS in black were Ardis Bang, Peggy Indrelie and Nancy Jenson.
Weekly best losers were Katie Koziolek, first; Barb Soper, second; Gavle, third; and Hohansee, fifth.
Schroeder had four weeks of consecutive weight loss.
Gavle received the four stars award.
Heart contest winners were KOPS Jenson and Bang and TOPS Keith Porter, first; Lorraine Wallace, loss and Gavle.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a nonprofit weight-loss support group. There is no diet plan, but support with others on the journey to health and wellness. TOPS Minnesota 979 meets Thursday mornings at the Senior Center in the Skyline Plaza to weigh in and learn about healthy lifestyles.
American Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 met at 7 p.m. April 6 in the club rooms. The meeting was called to order by President Bonnie Schneider. Chaplain Jenny Torgerson recited the prayer. Taps was played and a moment of silence was observed in honor of the dead. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and one stanza of the national anthem was sung.
The secretary and treasurer gave their reports. Both were approved as read. Karen Cibert, the Children and Youth chairwoman, introduced the group’s guests Kim Anderson from Sibley Elementary School and Amy Bowers from Halverson Elementary School. They are social workers at their respective schools. They explained to the group how the school supplies and after-school snacks it donates are distributed, and expressed their gratitude for the donations. The group will collect those items again next year.Cibert announced that the group collected 300 pounds of snacks. The group also played Blemoosh.
A memorial service took place for the following deceased members from April 1, 2015, to March 31, 2016: Ruth Haskins, Anna Oberg, Fran Wallace, Katherine Barnick, Marge Murtaugh, Betty Sabinish, Susie Sather, Virginia Thomas, Mary White and Wilma Zoller. Blessed be their memories.
Delegates to the district to department conventions on May 21 in Mabel and July 21 to July 23 in Rochester were elected as Schneider, Torgerson, Joyce Olson, Carol Smith, Cibert, Deanne Adams, Audrey Johannsen, Julie Ehlers, Ange Larson and Lucille Grippentrog.
Recommendations approved were donations to the district president project, Albert Lea firefighters second-grade T-shirts, the department president project, commander’s project, Legionville for school safety patrol and Legion baseball.
Poppy Day will be May 20. The group will offer them from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. at Hy-Vee and Marketplace Foods.
The next fundraiser breakfast will be from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the club. Funds received will go towards the group’s veterans, youth and community programs.
The chaplain led the group in prayer and they sang one verse of “God Bless America.”
Smith and Cibert served lunch.
The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. June 1. Continuous members from the last 25 to 60 years will be recognized at the meeting.