Published 9:00 am Sunday, May 1, 2016
Ascension Lutheran Church
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association had its regular meeting at 10:15 a.m. April 10 following worship services. Co-president Lola Evans opened with devotions from Proverbs 2:6 on decisions. Co-president Denise Sandagar conducted the business meeting.
The secretary’s report was given by Lorraine Schaper. Correction to minutes read the name of entertainment for guest night Aug. 16 to read “First Presbyterian Praise Band.”
The treasurer’s report was given by Cheryl Venem. She reported the group had served six funerals.
Eban’s reported that the book “Healing After Loss” had been given to Cindy Jensen.
Lynn Hestness, missions in community, reported to let her know when she needs to send encouragement cards.
Information was shared from the Blue Earth River Conference, which was April 9 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Alden. There were six members who attended.
Joan Anderson reported she had purchased Bible study books for JAM for Ascension students for next year.
Marilyn Danielsen presented the problem on the white table clothes having stains and will work on trying to get the issue resolved.
It was suggested that each graduate be sent an invitation for the graduation brunch. The Esther Circle will ask a member to create an invitation.
Evans displayed the Confirmation book she purchased for the confirmands.
The Ascension aebkeskiver supper took place April 17.
The confirmation reception was at 5:30 p.m. Saturday and was served by a committee of Venem, Rosalyn Fossum and Jensen. The graduation reception will follow church services May 22.
The next meeting will be June 12 following church services.
Grapevine Twist
The Grapevine Twist Square Dance Club hosted a dance on April 9 at the Senior Center at Skyline Plaza. Steve Egeland was the caller and called to over three squares. Cake was served after the dance. Servers for the evening were Gary and Renee Johnson and Carol Rye. The next dance was scheduled for Saturday. Mary Mehus was the caller. A potluck was served after the dance. Visitors are welcome.
First Lutheran Church Women
The First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. April 13 in Bethany Hall. Prelude music was played by Joan Holt.
After Co-President Marge LaFrance gave the welcome, Julia Tonder read a selection, “Daily Inspiration” by Helen Steiner Rice, for devotions.
As a group they read the First Lutheran Church Women Purpose Statement.
Special music was provided by Tondar, who sang “Jesus Only,” a theme song of Lutheran Bible Institute, which was closely related to Mount Carmel. She was accompanied by Marilyn Chafee. She also led the group in singing “I Believe, I Do Believe,” a traditional South American tune with words by John Ylvisaker. The number was sung every morning during the August Elderversity experience last year.
Joyce Fredin introduced the congregation’s former pastor, Dan Baker, who is now the executive director of Mount Carmel Ministries. Mount Carmel is a Christian family camp and conference center on Lake Carlos, near Alexandria. Many of the group’s members have attended adult camps or elderversities. Baker explained the devotional daily texts and showed a video about the various programs and activities offered at the camp.He concluded by saying the camp is a compliment to the mission of the local churches, a mountaintop experience.
Circle roll call was taken by Selma Engebretson, who was assisted by LaFrance. First place winner was Circle 4, followed by Circle 35.
The secretary’s report was approved as corrected with a motion by Donna Ludtke and a second by Jo Hanson. Treasurer Virginia Hermanson gave the treasurer’s report. The report will be placed on file for audit.
Correspondence secretary Bonnie Trampel had received thank yous for donations to Peace and Power, the radio fund and The Salvation Army. Copies of the Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge brochure and “Interchange,” the leadership news from Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association, will be placed in the library.
The board has agreed to purchase two new high chairs for Bethany Hall. they also agreed that the offering for the meeting be given to Mount Carmel Ministries.
The group sang “Blessed Assurance” during the offering, after which Fredin gave the offering prayer, “Joy is the Echo of God’s Love.”
LaFrance thanked the ushers Cheryl Moran and Ruth Noren; greeters Hanson and Jane Reid; and hostess chairwoman Gen Montei and her committee of Delores Goskeson, Norris Lovik, Neva Mathison, Carol Olson and Dawn Rozinka.
Co-chairwomen Fredin and Bev Sutton and their committee served two funerals in March.
Crafting for Holidays Ahead will be done 9 a.m. Mondays in Bethany Hall. The Women’s Holy Spirit Retreat was from Friday to today at Mount Carmel Retreat Center. The speaker was the Rev. Diane Odermann. Members were encouraged to sign up in the First Lutheran Church office for a spot on the church van. The annual tea will be 1:15 p.m. May 11 in Bethany Hall. The Lutheran World Relief ingathering will be from 7:30 a.m. to noon May 14.
The group closed the meeting by praying the Lord’s Prayer and singing the Table Prayer.