Bennett keeping promise to bring rural broadband

Published 9:55 am Thursday, May 5, 2016

One character quality that is shared among the rural legislators in St. Paul is keeping commitments. On April 19, Rep. Peggy Bennett of Albert Lea supported H.F. 3931, the jobs omnibus bill authored by committee Chairman Pat Garofalo. A total of $40 million of rural broadband funding over two years was contained in the bill and when signed into law will expand the rural broadband effort in Minnesota.

For the last two years, rural GOP members have been traveling the state of Minnesota listening to frustrated parents, grandparents, students and business owners who understand the need to close the digital divide. H.F. 3931 focuses broadband grants to the unserved areas of the state first and helps underserved communities improve their accessibility and speed. This bill is about moving border-to-border broadband forward. The state grant, coupled with the federal Connect America Funds will provide historic levels of broadband infrastructure in Minnesota.

Moreover, this broadband program is enhanced with the Republican efforts in education funding to provide mobile hotspots to families who lack internet access. The mobile hotspot access program will bring Internet access right to the students in Minnesota who need high-speed broadband to complete their homework.

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I am proud to serve with Rep. Bennett, who is keeping her promise of delivering rural broadband and working to improve students’ lives, create jobs and spur rural economic development.


Ron Kresha

assistant majority leader

House of Representatives