Sarah Stultz: Eddie Cochran Weekend is for car-lovers

Published 9:54 am Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday. 

Every year in the spring when I start to get antsy about planting my garden, my husband gets eager to get our classic car out of storage.

Because we don’t have a garage or even a driveway, we rent a storage unit, and that’s where our 1975 Plymouth Fury spends most of the winter.

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For the last three or so years now, we have owned this car. It was painted unintentionally a color similar to the Vikings purple, and when we’ve gone to car shows since then people have commented on how we must love the Vikings.

We’ve done all sorts of work on this car — installing new exhaust, removing rust and the list goes on and on. Car parts are like another language to me, so half of what is going on I don’t understand. All I know is that after spending lots of money, the car is little by little getting better.

We finally got the Plymouth out of the shop last week, and since then my husband has enjoyed a few leisurely drives. My 4-year-old son, Landon, loves to ride in the car and sometimes requests it.

Before we owned the Plymouth, we owned a 1984 Z28 Camaro with T-tops, and before that we owned a 1974 GMC pickup. It’s been a lot of fun fixing these vehicles up but as mentioned before, it’s not a cheap hobby. Though my husband wishes he could get it all restored overnight, we have to do a little here and there.

When my husband gets a bonus, oftentimes that money goes into the Plymouth. Some years we’ve spent part of our tax return on needed upgrades.

Needless to say, one of my husband’s favorite weekends in Albert Lea is Eddie Cochran Weekend.

He invites his friends from church and the community to attend the event, and we usually make a weekend out of it.

This year, we will just be attending the Saturday show and cruise, as he has to work on Friday night.

Though I enjoy the car shows to some extent, I think it’s safe to say I’m not quite the enthusiast that he is. Me and our children usually stay for a little while, but they — and myself — get a little antsy to go play or do something else.

This year I think we may head over to the Freeborn County Historical Museum. In all of our years participating in Eddie Cochran Weekend, we have yet to make it over to the museum to see the real reason we celebrate the weekend.

Hope to see you all out there!