Sarah Stultz: There’s something magical about Olympics

Published 9:43 am Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday. 

I will be the first to admit, I typically don’t care about sports.

I could care less about watching them on television or in person, and I definitely don’t like playing them. I never have, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

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Despite my lack of interest and enthusiasm for sports; however, I have always thought there was something magical about the Olympic Games.

Watching the Olympics with my parents and sisters are some of the only memories I have watching sports growing up. We were always interested in gymnastics and ice skating, but I can recall watching some of the other sports as well.

Some of these athletes became household names and continue to this day to be known as some of the greats. Some names I remember offhand  are Dominique Dawes and Dominique Moceanu in gymnastics and Kristi Yamaguchi, Oksana Baiul, Nancy Kerrigan, Tara Lipinski and Michelle Kwan in ice skating.

I remember when I was younger, thinking how amazed I was to watch these Olympians.

Now, I am even more impressed with what they go through and how spectacular they have to be to make it to the Olympic Trials.  They have to be so strong, and I can only dream about ever being like them.

The Olympics are even more magical for me this year to know that one of our own fellow Albert Leans is competing to represent the United States in Rio.

I have not had the pleasure of covering Albert Lea High School graduate Lindsey Horejsi in the years leading up to the Olympic Trials this week — I have never even seen her in person — but I have been in the city for 10 years and have seen her grow as a person and an athlete through the Tribune’s coverage.

I, like the rest of the community, was thrilled when she broke the national high school record  in the 100-yard breaststroke last November during the girls’ Class A state swimming prelims in Minneapolis.

Now, she is taking that skill, passion and drive to the next level.

She has become someone we are all extremely proud of, and we look forward to seeing how things turn out this week.

She and her passion for swimming have gotten me — an outsider in the sports world — excited about sports. That’s pretty rare.

Regardless of the outcome in your two events this week, Lindsey, always remember Albert Lea is behind you all the way.