Election year 2016 — with apologies to Dr. Seuss

Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 6, 2016

I don’t like this campaign year,

I do not like it far or near.

I do not like the candidates!

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They’ll drive us crazy, just you waits!

I do not like the things I see!

I do not like them on TV,

I do not like the things I hear,

And people say we’ve lots to fear.

I do not like this Donald guy.

I do not like him and here’s why.

I do not like the Donald’s words.

I do not like his noxious herds.

I do not like the way he acts.

I do not like his sketchy facts.

I do not like the way he lies

About his hands on women’s thighs.

I do not like the way he smirks

Or when he calls some people jerks.

So, yes, I think that he’s a nut,

And I’ll just vote for Clinton, but…

I’m not so fond of Hillary,

She makes me kind of jittery.

The way she voted for Iraq,

But now she wants to take it back?

Her speeches to the wealthy classes,

Aren’t the same as to the masses.

Will she veto TPP

Or will she sign? I guess we’ll see.

Some people claim she is a liar,

That her pants(suits) are on fire.

I suspect that may be so,

And that she is the status quo.

So Don and Hill are not a choice,

That causes people to rejoice.

Neither one is great, you see,

To further our democracy.

The people of this land will vote,

But the winners shouldn’t really gloat.

Because the options aren’t that greats,

I do not like the candidates!

Jim Wichmann
